First, sorry for not posting sooner! So if you couldn’t tell from my Instagram photos or tumblr blog, we are finally getting some much needed house repairs. Long story we don’t need to advertise as to why John finally bit the bullet to do all this 🙂 Expect a butt-load of my photos to be documenting this work-in-progress!
So what are we having done? So far they’ve power washed the roof, are fixing the chimneys, and are making roof repairs. After that it is painting the house. I will be suggesting they do the front first, so they don’t interfere with my annual halloween decorating of course. We are having at least one tree by the side of the house removed (I’d like a few more, but tree removal doesn’t come cheap), all the saplings cut down, the the ivy removed (as much as they can), and a new porch/patio out back built. We are looking at some kind of built in stone stove/grill for me as well. If we could only work in a Jacuzzi!
I’m hopefully going to also convince them to do some other yard waste removal as well. We shall see. Namely the trees John cut down by the side of the garage and LEFT there, which have become a haven for weeds this very wet summer.