So the Thanksgiving Holiday is upon us this week. Let me try and muster up a “yay!” I’m just not a huge fan of the holiday anymore. I do like watching the parade, if I can wake up early enough to see it. But the parade isn’t even as fun as it was when I was little.

Last year John and I went to one of his employee’s homes for dinner. I wasn’t a fan of that either, but went. They had a huge family, lots of friends, so it was way too many people! If I don’t feel like celebrating Thanksgiving in my house, why would I go elsewhere? For the past few years though, John’s mom has gone to Texas to be with her daughter down there. Apparently she has declared recently that she’s not traveling anymore. I guess at her age, she’s over it. So it seems she’s cooking dinner for them here, I’m not sure.

I’m going to cook a small dinner for me and anyone who needs food (I.E. his brother who has issues with the brother-in-law too). I like cooking, but in the past I’ve made too much food and it gets tossed out. So this year I’m going to be very good. I’ve also decide to try out things from Pinterest! I found a stuffing and small turkey breast recipe in the crock pot, scalloped potatoes, and for desert I’m either doing a Japanese cheesecake (which isn’t as scary as it sounds) or donuts 🙂 You can find my pinterest at

I shall report back how it all came out, with photos!

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