Another birthday is here, and soon will be gone. We’ve been having some crazy storms here, and a tornado touched down about 5 miles from us yesterday. Anyway, this was my birthday gift from John this year . . . it’s huge and HEAVY! The thing is totally cast iron! I assembled it in the dining room as it was the only place with enough space . . . only to realize I couldn’t get it moved anywhere afterwards. So I had to take it apart again. Fortunately it’s only 3 pieces, and it’s easy to do. I’m trying to figure out where I can safely put the thing in my yard and secure it. The storms like to come in during October and the wind whips the hell out of my decorations as is. I don’t need this thing blowing over! I do think though after the season is done I’ll use it in the garden. Next spring I could plant some nice trellising plants at the base.
Oh yeah, what am I holding? That was a gift from a friend. It’s a piece of a tombstone dated 1927. They got it years ago in a not so nice way . . . . and just recently found it while cleaning out storage. I said I would put it in the garden as well to appease the angry ghost who was upset his (or her) grave got desecrated.
Happy Birthday–Happy New Year!!!
Sorry for being late to the party. Happy Birthday
Happy, Happy Birthday, Dustin!!! Wishing you a great day and one great year!!!! I love the pix of you above ……. Really adorable!! Happy Birthday, Dustin!!!
Many hugs and XoXoXo’s ……… Desiree