So yes, once again a LONG time has passed since a blog update. My life has just been very busy as of late. I’ve been teaching three classes this semester, a first for me. All three are different classes too. I’ve taught them all before, which silly me, thought that would mean it would be easy! NOT!
The farm has started back up, so once again I’m seeing less of John. I also had to get their webpage up to date, a newsletter out, oh and I made them a mobile phone page! That was fun . . . NOT! WHo knew it could be so tricky?
I have, however, started killing the weeds in my garden area 🙂 Tomato planting time is just around the corner! I now just remembered I wanted to save seeds from last year to plant seedlings this year. I guess that’s a year too late. I’m not, however, planting as much as I did last year. By the end of the summer I had so many tomatoes that just went to rot/waste because I couldn’t use them all.
Annnnnnd that’s about all I have to say for now!
Totally irrelevant to the topic to which I’m replying but I was wondering if you ever got your Wonder Woman tattoo. A few years ago, I stumbled across your blog post with the various pictures you’d found. I was never a fan of Justice League Wonder Woman but the picture you posted on that entry really caught my eye. So I saved it and left it in my folder for 2 years. Finally, I decided I loved it enough that yes, I did want it as my (first) tattoo. I got it done last summer and I love it. I absolutely love that Wonder Woman. So thank you for posting it!!!
I actually didn’t! I’m glad you got one though 🙂 I’m still planning on it one day. Maybe I’ll take the plunge this summer.
Go for it!