So monster kitty had her second vet appointment, and I HAD to give her a name. I told them it was Baroness Tangina Von MewMew.…
Oh Shannan, Our Love, Holds On
I made this for my friend Shannan, who constantly goes on and on about how much she hates the band Journey . . . .
Poor Nameless Kitty
Just a quick note to say I did survive my trip to Oklahoma . . . no twisters. I’ll post something about it soon. The…
Are You Ready For The End? Get Ready!
Last night I watched “Vanishing on 7th Street.” I gotta say, the movie was creepy, but only because of the timing . . . you…
It’s A Girl!
NuKitty has a vet stamped and certified vajayjay! So now she needs a name. The vet’s office said they were expecting something good, given our…
Just Call Him Chaz?
Since NuKitty, who I’ve just been calling Mew-Mew, came home, we have been trying to name him. John’s latest suggestion is Grendel, cause NuKitty is…
Thor! The Movie . . . . .
So I went to see “Thor” yesterday. To my surprise, it was actually a good movie. I really don’t know anything about Thor other than…
Oh Oh Oblio!
NuKitty is doing well. He (as far as we can tell, no balls yet) sleeps through the night, and has begun using his shoebox lid…
Oh Hell To The No! Cuteness Overload!
John walked in last night with a tiny little orange bundle of meow. I said “WHAT is that!” It seems a litter of cats was…