Yeah, I know, I haven’t blogged in like 20 days. Bad me! I have posted some photos on my Tumblr blog though. So what’s been going on? Working like mad as usual. Coming up on my last week of teaching for the semester. I’m taking off the summer, as Fall is going to be a madhouse for me. I’ve also got a work/school conference coming up at the end of May.
Today I’m cooking Easter dinner. Ham steak slices with maple glaze and pineapple rings in the crock-pot. I hope it’s yummy! A bunch of side dishes to reheat, and then some biscuits to make. Did I mention I got an ice cream maker? Yum! John especially loves the cheesecake ice cream I made (but it was a bit of work honestly). Strawberry season at the farm is in a few months, so we’ll be having fresh strawberry ice cream then.
Otherwise, not much else to report. I’m getting my tomato planters ready for this year. I cleaned the old ones out, and just started seedlings in my house. John called me all sorts of mean names, because they only have 700 tomato plants across the street and I’m planting them from scratch like a goober. I said it was “funner” this way. Truth be told I’ll probably use ones from a nursery for my Topsy Turvy and put the seedlings in pots to see if they will grow.

that photo is amazing. i want that bunny outfit.