So we boarded the gigantic Allure of the Seas yesterday and have been on the ship for about 24 hours now. This sucker is HUGE! I also don’t care what people say about the big ships, you can still feel it rocking at times. I should hopefully stop feeling that shortly 🙂 Last night my stomach was Oooooo from it at times. Tonight it also is too, but thankfully I got the dramamine! It was in our luggage last night, which was late to be delivered . . .
I am hoping for a good nights sleep tonight, as so far the first two nights (one on the ship, one in Ft Lauderdale) have not been pleasant (bad beds, migraines, grr!). I may be seeking out some sleeping pills tonight if the ship has some . . . . or just some adult beverages – which might work too 🙂 Tonight is the 80s dance party, so that should tire me out I am hoping. I get a nice massage tomorrow, which should also hopefully relax me. Thanks to two nights of tossing and turning I am just in knots.
Other things of note for this short update?
– My friend Heidi and I did a Michael Jackson dance class. We learned the “Thriller.” I’m fairly certain it was taped and will be shown on TV all week . . . not so thrilling!
– We played 80s Name That Tune. I won a plastic keychain, incredibly valuable. Yes, I’m sure your jealous.
– I’m taking a cupcake decorating class tomorrow! I am in fact the only male. I guess I’ll have several new girlfriends soon 🙂
– Tonight is formal night, the only time you’ll find me in dress clothes AND a tie. Too bad you aren’t here!
– Photos I’ll try and get up shortly. I probably won’t have the large high quality ones up till I’m back though.
That’s about it. Till next time!
Glad you’re having a good time, despite the migraines. I love the image of you dancing the Thriller dance! *G*