So the Christmas from hell has come and gone. If I’m to celebrate Christmas next year there will have to be changes. #1 is that John will be coming down to Virginia with me on Christmas Eve to spend Christmas with my family. In 9 (or coming up on 9, I’m too tired to count) years we have never done a Christmas together. I have always gone home to Virginia, he has always had to go to his sisters and take his mother. However every year it becomes more and more of a “have to” rather than a “want to” for him . . . and I hear about it! Each year he seems to become more and more irritated that he’s stuck with his sister’s husband’s family . . . who mind you wouldn’t welcome me should I choose to stay here . . . which is why I don’t. After he became Scrooge and Marley incarnate this year, I told him he had a whole year to tell his sister and mother he was not coming next year, and they had a whole year to figure out who would drive his mom to his sister’s house. I am serious too . . . why the hell do you want to be unhappy on Christmas? It SUCKS!
Gift wise, I did have a good Christmas. But as any good Xtian will tell you, gifts are not what this holiday is about . . . . (then again they also go postal if the clerks at the stores they spend money at for gifts wish them “Happy Holidays”). But I digress, you can clearly get awesome gifts but still have Jesusmas spoiled. As I was asked in my shoutbox, I got some good loot 🙂 I got a keyboard for my iPad, which now replaces my laptop for traveling. I got some good games (okay 2 I bought for myself). John got me this fun mini-cupcake maker, oh and he bought us this giant ass HD LCD TV! We have both been in awe over it . . . . I think him more than me thanks to “Twilight” movies airing this weekend.
For New Years all the plans were insane this year. Didn’t know who was doing what, who wanted to come over, who wanted to go where. It ended up a last minute thing and in the end myself, John and my friend Kaitlyn just went to Holihans for dinner then watched Ryan SeaCrap and other stuff at home. The fact that John’s brother just TOLD US he was coming down New Years Eve also put a crimp in plans, cause that was a bedroom taken up that could have gone to friends. I’ll just shut my mouth on this issue . . . .
We now fly out to Florida in a week for our cruise, which I am so not prepared for at all. I have so much work to do this week it’s not funny, and I know it’s not all getting done. I’m used to having to work on vacation at this point, I’ve done it every year as is. It will just be finding the time to sneak off to the library or something to work 🙂
I am also not to happy that I’m going on vacation big as a house! I never lost the weight I had hoped to, and I while a lot of that is because of too much fast crap food, I’m sure stress had a lot to do with it too. My commuting schedule this fall was just too much, and I’m glad I told University M that I could not work there in the spring. Nothing against them, I just had too much I was supposed to do and I didn’t realize how much time it would suck up. I am going back next fall, when I’m scheduled to teach 4 classes between University R and M. I’m probably going to be a nutcase then too, but it’s along ways away 🙂 Well really not that long . . . . Ack!
Happy New Year . . . . 2012 will be here before we know it . . . .
Sounds as if you need this vacation! I hope your 2011 is beter than all of the crap that 2010 shoved your way. Totally agree with you about Christmas—needs to be with people you love and love you in return–not an obligation. Did that for too many years. Enjoy your cruise and keep us posted with pics if you can.
Happy New Year, Dustin, to you and John.
No working on the cruise!!!!! Stop watching Days and get to work!!!!
happy new year!!
Happy New Year to you, too. Thanks to the photo, I now have “Have a happy/have a happy/have a hap-hap-happy New Year” cycling through my head, so thanks for that. *G*
It’s too bad about John’s family Christmas. I hope he takes you up on your plan. I take it he gets along with your family?
You’ve been under so much stress that you deserve this vacation. Getting ready for it is also stressful, and you’re not where you want to be in terms of weight, but hopefully it will still be fun and relaxing once you’re there.
It’s good that you know your limits regarding teaching this semester. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it), you’re always a nutcase. So teaching in both places in the fall shouldn’t make too much of a difference. ;0)