So here the weather was nice, I thought I could finish decorating, and that I’d get a lot of work done school wise. Of course the universe had other plans.
Moo Kitty is in the pet hospital this weekend. Thursday night he was clearly not feeling too well. Friday morning he was not feeling well and clearly was not moving much. He didn’t eat, and it was obvious he was having some “back end” issues. We thought he had a UTI, so made an appointment for him.
Unfortunately it’s much worse. Moo Kitty was in hypothermic shock and full on kidney failure. It seems he has kidney stones and they got stuck. He’s been on fluids and a catheter. As of today his kidney’s seem to be almost back to normal, which is good, as if they weren’t then we were looking at kidney disease that had been progressing for awhile.
He needs to have surgery on Tuesday to remove the stones so this doesn’t happen again. Then he’ll be on a special diet as well. He’s a big cat, I’m sure he won’t like that. However I suspect his gross over eating is also what lead to this. I had the week before removed the never ending dry food bowl because he eats too much from it.
So most of this weekend I’ve spent with a headache from all this. I did finally get almost everything outside decorated. As for the inside, I think I’m not doing much inside this year unless the mood strikes me sometime this week.

Send Small Children! Must Have Brains!
Sorry about Moo Kitty. Sounds as if you got it just in time. On the brighter side–the pic is great.
Not sure if I’ve let you know but a major movie is being shot in Weirton, WV–a J.J. Abrams and Speilberg colaboration. The town has been all a-buzz with the production. Paramount (?sp) is pouring major money into our little town–steel industry disaster. Watched some night filming last night—major tanks shooting blanks–lots of noise and smoke and retakes!! It’s a “thriller” that takes place in 1979 in a small town of Lillian, Ohio. So far the movie is being refered to as Super 8.
I think you would be a groupie if you lived near here. Some people follow them every day for the 12 hour schedules!
How did the surgery go?