“Tofu” is a friendly zombie, created from a botched experiment in Professor Vost’s laboratory. Monkey # 5, one of Vost’s lab animals, stuffed a block of tofu into the zombie boy’s open skull after accidentally losing the brain. As a result, “Tofu” eats only vegetables and grains and has no taste for human meat. However, if “Tofu” ever loses his “tofu-brain”, he turns into a dangerous zombie creature, craving human flesh.

I had to buy this when I saw it this weekend. I think everyone knows my love for Tofu. Combined with a Zombie toy? That is awesome!

I will be sure to proudly display Tofu this Halloween 🙂 Emily and Becky, he’s coming for you!

5 Replies to “Tofuuuuu! Tofuuuuu!”

  1. As much as I dislike tofu, I totally want one of these!! And yes, it is possible to not like something without trying it 🙂

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