Driving around today I saw my first Spirit Halloween Store of the season. It was a new one, or at least a new location for them. I really wanted to go in, but I don’t think they were open yet.

Back in August I bought these two signs for my yard at MonsterMania. I also plan to expand my faux cemetery fence to fence in the whole cemetery this year. I think this will help solve in part the issue I had last year with wind gusts. My cemetery headstones kept blowing away, and I’d have to go find them. Fencing it in, will at least keep them in my yard! I’m going to try to get some metal rods and really secure them into the ground this year.
I also plan to utilize the tree area where that guy crashed and took out our bushes. I’m going to hang my ghost in there and shine a black light on it. It should be dark enough to really make it glow 🙂
In other news, I seem to be getting sick again. I thought I kicked my cold, but last night I was a mess and up all night coughing. Today in class I ended up almost completely losing my voice. Thank the baby Jesus that the weekend is here!
Nice to see the smile—we all know how much you love decorating for Halloween! Post pictures please!
You need to go back to Twitter. Its easier for me to keep up with you there.