Okay, I know, it’s no where near Halloween 🙂 However I just got an email from the Halloween Spirit store. No it wasn’t a catalog…
John On CBS 3 News
John was on the local news, that was doing a story on the Tomato Blight hitting many states. It’s a fungus killing tomato plants. The…
My Slingbox Died, And It Wasn’t My Fault!
Warning! I’m getting my “geek” on in this post! This is mainly to vent, as well as for search engines to index so that people…
How Not To Market Your Cleaning Service
So while walking the dogs I found this in our driveway/front lawn. I was puzzled by it. The image is reversed, sorry about that. I…
Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince Thoughts
So last night I went to the 12:01am showing of “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.” It’s been a long time since I read the…
Back in Joisey
Drove back to my Jersey home today. Just some random ramblings here 🙂 The house shockingly isn’t a total disaster. The bunny had no water…
I Want That Crown To Be On My . . .
Unfortunately no, not that kind of crown. I went to the dentist yesterday and got the wonderful news that one of my fillings is breaking…
Home On The Range
So I’m finally home in Virginia for a visit. I haven’t been back since the vacation in January. When I started teaching I just couldn’t…
No Fireworks . . . Yet
Since I know some might be wondering how things went today, as of yet nothing has happened. This of course doesn’t mean it won’t. From…