Last night one of my strand of icicle lights blew. I was fuming, it was the last straw, I was so over Xmas at that point. This whole year decorating has been a nightmare it seems!
This morning when I went out to look, it looks like they got corroded in the rain. A lot of them had rusted out, it looked like they just blew down the line or something.
Of course TarJay, where I just bought them last year, doesn’t sell these anymore. I know Phillips is the maker, I just haven’t bothered to see if I can order them straight from them. I bought two other regular style icicle lights and just decided to make do with them (these are what has become known as icicle lights in the past few years, not the kind with the real plastic light up icicles I had bought).
I also finally put in all the purple lights that John bought and wouldn’t do anything with. Grrrrrr! He has to put away all of Jesusmas I’ve decided since he didn’t help decorate anything 🙂

I love your blog at Christmas and Halloween, (well, all year actually), but I especially love to check our your decorations every year! Then I look at mine, sigh, ah well, maybe next year for me….