So the last few days Baby Jesus has sent in the cold . . . and more of his insane winds. I guess he felt I didn’t do up the outside of the house to the spectacle I did for Halloween, so he has to do what he can to ruin his own lights. The insane winds keep tangling the hanging snow flakes, which require me standing on the step ladder swinging a broom at them and looking like a nut to traffic. A few snowflakes blew up and onto the roof the other night! All but one have fortunately blown back down, and I’m trying to figure out how to get it down without the big ladder.
If it must be this cold and miserable out, I always say it should at least be snowing! This year, as with years past, I am wishing for a White Christmas. I joked on facebook it was a more likely wish than world peace, cause that would require nuclear Armageddon and the extermination of all mankind to happen.
So what else is going on . . . oh our washing machine is still broke! Yes one month later it is still not working right. Let me tell you, this has been a cluster $@#%@#$ of epic fail proportions. Sears home repair was supposed to come out last Monday, but said they called and nobody answered the phone so they didn’t come over. Ummmmm, yeah no. Oh and they called at 5:30 pm too, so they said. They were supposed to be here between 1 and 5pm, so even if they did call then, I had no obligation to still be here waiting! This is the second time they failed to show up for an appointment. Let’s not go into the fact they misdiagnosed the issue all together, selling me an expensive part CLEARLY not needed. John and I think we have finally nailed the issue, it has something to do with the draining, possibly the drainage hose. Something tells me that’s a 10 dollar part . . . I’m so fuming mad if they don’t offer to do something on Monday (when they claim they are coming again) I’m disputing the charges on my credit card and sending my card and Sears a lengthy letter detailing this crap! I should have known something was wrong from the first appointment when the repairman used the tips I got from googling on the net to diagnose the machine . . .
After Monday I head home to Virginia for the holidays. I still have not finished my Christmas shopping. Almost everything done though, just need to make decisions between a few possible gift ideas. Plus I like going to the malls in Virginia and walking around to get ideas. Tyson’s Corner has some of my favorite home decor stores where I can always find something fun (okay and sometimes tacky).
Dustin—I’m rolling on the floor laughing—I can just picture you swatting at the snowfalkes as someone who recognizes you from your support gay marriage signs drives by and slams on the brakes saying—By god he is really serious about his message–even beating up snowflakes!
Ok–you have to be in my twisted mind made worse by a nagging on coming cold–have visions that make me laugh–
Oh no–I hear the music—“They’re coming to take me away ho ho–they’re coming to take me away ha ha!”
Ok–if i ever stop at the farm again you can swat me with a wet noodle!
Be safe on your trip home—I love Tysons Corners also—just make the cold go away first.
Merry Christmas—Lin aka WV Nan
My parents had a horrible time with Sears as well when their 5 month old washer broke…took them over a month to fix and cost us a couple hundred dollars in laundromat fees. She finally demanded a new washer and managed to get one. At one point the guy called from the end of the driveway at 7am and demanded a walkway be shoveled in order for him to come in to fix it. Not horribly customer service oriented anymore are they??? Hope you get it fixed soon!