I sent my letter off this morning, which my own mother actually proofed and emailed to me early this AM. I trimmed some of it out for length, and have already received a thank you from my assemblymen for the letter. I also called my senator’s office and talked to whatever staffer was there, saying I hoped the senator voted yes. They asked for my name and address if I was willing, and I was. I post on political forums under my own name and photo, I do not hide and hate cowards doing so under anonymity!
Unfortunately the Senate and Legislature has decided to delay the vote, which was set for tomorrow. They have no new date, and they say it’s so people can hear more testimony. I hope I am called to testify, I’ll give them a civil piece of my mind 🙂 However as of yet, nobody knows if it will go to vote before the republican governor takes seat, and he will veto the bill.
I have decided I will not be quiet anymore. I am currently making some makeshift signs this very evening with what I have in my house, and plan to stand on the corner of my very busy highway with them tomorrow during rush hour. Then I will later go to the craft store (oy a craft store this time of year!) and get better supplies for better signs. I will stand and protest during morning and evening rush hour every day possible till the bill is up for vote, and if it fails, even after. I’ll make people look at my face, and if they choose, throw rocks at me. I welcome it ironically, because it will show more people the ignorance that thrives in the hearts of men and women in our country.
BTW I’m tired of the whole slippery slope argument of child marriage and polygamy resulting from gay marriage. I have written up a whole post on that to be posted soon, showing the way marriage has evolved among STRAIGHT PEOPLE discredits those arguments as they are backsliding.
The quick sign I whipped up tonight to take to my street tomorrow 🙂 And yes it gets lots of traffic!

So very proud of you! Thank you for keeping us posted!
I applaud you for standing up for your beliefs..
I am very proud of you Dustin! 🙂
Equal rights for all!! We were married in Portland when it was
legal for a couple weeks and it was awesome. This is so worth
fighting for. Thanks for taking a stand.
I think what you are doing is great. If I lived closer, I would hold up a sign with you. Good luck!!
Good luck Dustin!!! You are awesome!
Good luck Dustin! I admire your courage in taking a stand, and hope your legislature hears your voice and does the right thing. At the very least, you will hopefully get some of the folks driving by to stop ignoring the issue. Oh, and only a monster could throw a rock at someone with papa smurf pajammy pants!