Just a quick update. First, my server has had several problems the past few days. If you can’t reach the blog, no, I haven’t deleted it. Trust me, I’d give a message if I deleted it.
The pink abomination arrived. We haven’t set it up, I just finally cleaned up the last of the indoor Halloween decor this week in order to make room for Jesusmas. However with Bunny Poo Poo as a new addition this year, I am not going to be able to put out as much as I did last year (I blocked the door/corner he’s in with the Rudolph village). It might go on the mantle this year and my grandmother’s old vintage village elsewhere. I’d still like to get a new shelf for my computer/dining area to put the entire “Town of Bethlehem Nativity” on and then replace with DVDs/Videogames after.
Still, John couldn’t help but start lighting it up and admiring the horrific tree that makes Baby Jesus cry . . . .

Fortunately Baby Jesus Doll arrived the day after. He is perfect! Small enough to go on top of the tree most likely. Needless to say, I’ve had fun with him in a few videos I posted on facebook 🙂

Did you know that there’s also really pretty powder blue and lavender trees to go with the pink one? You should get them all 😉 I also found the most awesome sparkley ornaments to match!
I’m sure if your search, you can find some neon trees that glow in the dark too lol.
Hmmm, I need to find my gigantic bag of jelly bracelets from the 80s. They’de make awesome decorations!
I was at the Nursery tonight and saw your pretty in pink tree…this one was $499 but was on sale for 40% off and came with pink lights. Had me thinking of you guys. 🙂
Hey.. it’s kinda cute… my daughter has a barbie tree.. of course it stays in her “barbie” room! LOL