Took advantage of the nice weather to put up the Christmas lights. Don’t worry, they aren’t turned on (except to take this photo). I won’t plug them in until after Santa arrives at the Macy’s parade 🙂

It’s basically similar to last year, but with a red “Merry Christmas” sign added this year. Last year everyone was surprised to learn we were Jewish. We’re not, but most of the township we live in is, and well I put up blue and white lights. So I added “Merry Christmas!” this year.
I am not yet sure if I want to keep the Xmas sign and snow flakes where they are, I might move them back closer to the house for some depth. Plus they have all this blinking action, but because the icicles also blink I just keep them static. Actually I’d love to hang the snowflakes up above on the sides of the roof arch, but I’m pretty sure if I got up that high on a ladder I’d fall off. I fell off the porch last year doing these lights and I wasn’t that high from the ground as is.

I ordered this Baby Jesus doll which I found online. It’s it awesome! I think it might be TOO big to try and put at the top of the tree. I thought I could put it under the tree, but Nikko would probably pee on it or think it’s a toy for him and chew it up. I might be able to hang him on the wall next to the tree and make him point at it. I could even hang a little “touched by an angel” spotlight over his head.
Hi Dustin–looks nice. Funny comment about being Jewish–if the neighbor saw the pink tree what would they think?
Moving the snowflakes and Christmas sign would definitley give you depth.
The Baby Jesus doll is really nice! How about a lopsided star for the tree topper?
More pics as you continue to decorate please!
I’m not sure Baby Jesus would appreciate being peed on. But I do like the spotlight idea. I like the blue and white lights. I try to get Travis to put lights up, but he never does…at least I’m saving a little on my energy bill 🙂
I agree, I’d definitely go with the “spotlight” over the “pee/dogchew” idea.
I put my lights up 2 weekends ago because I figured it would be my last chance at good weather. The last 2 years I waited until Thanksgiving weekend and then ended up not doing them because the roof was too icy for me to run around on. I have always used blue icicles, does that make me Jewish too?