So I got a little peeved last night and decided to make a blog about it of course! Unfortunately you now have to listen to me bitch and moan, but hell, you are used to it.

Basically, it’s been about 2 months since I have walked across the street or into said establishment. I’ve stuck my ground, even though I have to admit it’s starting to suck being stuck alone a lot of the time. I start teaching in January again, that will get me out. Also thankfully a friend moved back to Philly recently, and she’s always happy to have me come hang out, so it does get me out too. I’ve made other new friends as well, but seeing them isn’t always easy to coordinate, cause usually it involves nights out in Philly goofing off.

Anyways, when I ask how things/people are John continues to say things like “You could come over and find out” or how I’m letting a certain asshole win out and cut me off from people who care about me. Then last night it dawned on me . . . . I’m 50 feet across the street, not 50 miles away. The street is not a one way street, it goes two ways. If people were so concerned about me, or missed me so, they can “come and knock on my doooooor!”

However so far only one lady has come over to check on me, which was awhile ago, and then she got ill and hasn’t been working as much lately. She also sent me a birthday card, she rocks. Another messaged me that it sucks I don’t come over and asked for my cell, suggesting she would come over and walk the dogs with me some morning. Another I know, and maybe this is an issue for some, feels weird about coming over as this is the boss’ house.

Now I also know a lot of the employees can’t come over while working. But again, before or after work to say hi? Just knock on the door and see what’s up. Hasn’t really happened. So basically I’m left feeling for many I was the guy they were nice to cause I was sleeping with the boss. I am the guy who offered free website work. That makes me feel kinda shitty to be honest.

Next time John mentions how I need to come over, people miss me, blah blah blah. I’m gunna say hey this is a two way street here, but frankly for way too many years it’s been a one way street. If I ever feel like I’m gunna cave and cross the street, I’ll remember how many people have crossed it to see me.

4 Replies to “One Way Street This Is Not”

  1. You may have discovered the problem….you do live in the boss’ house. That must be kinda weird for some people. But, you’re right, its just as easy for someone to pop over and say hi or send you a text. I hope that things work out. It really does suck that one asshat ruins it. ::hugs::

  2. Dustin—I know that it sucks when one person causes such a mess, but you have done nothing wrong–you have been wronged–used and abused.

    The road goes both ways—you always crossed the road. Phones work both ways. I understand that John would like to have you back over there. I also know that you love this time of the year with all of the activity–but I’m wondering–what are they going to do when business gets crazy and you used to step in on a moments notice to help out?

    Hang in there—and thank you for trusting enough to vent—we do listen and care.

    Lin WV Nan

  3. Dustin, I agree with WV Nan, thanks for trusting us enough to vent…we do care. That said, be sure you do what YOU want to do. Don’t let anyone keep you from doing what you enjoy and makes you happy. If you would be happy crossing the street and being with John and others, then do it. Don’t let the one jerk keep you from it. If you don’t want to go over there, then don’t. But don’t let anyone else make the decision for you. It seems we sometimes do things that make us miserable just to ‘get back’ at one or two people; in the end we are the only ones that are miserable. Just a thought…..hope things work out ok….we like you happy!

  4. I am married to the boss and yes there is a way that people
    treat you in that circumstance. its important to remember
    these are casual relationships. There is a way we all relate to
    people who are part of our lives. The grocery clerk you talk to
    year after year or your mailman. A person can have genuine
    affection for the bosses BF or deep resentment masked by forced
    smiles. Of cource people care about you but these are still just
    relationships based on being in the store.

    You should be proud that the people who encounter you on a
    regular basis become so fond of you. You still have to do what
    is right for you. Many of us forgave you for droping the soaps
    and many of them will forgive you for dropping the farm. Those who want
    to continue having you in their lives will seek you out. Don’t
    judge those who don’t though, just remember the nature of casual

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