Oh yes, I think my life is officially complete. Lynda Carter herself touched me, and in a very good way.

I met Miss Lynda Carter!

I look goofy as all hell, and my cheeks somehow became fatter than a chipmunks, but I met her and damn if she doesn’t look good! She must be on that Suzanne Sommers life plan or something.

Love Lynda, LOVE!

She was in town doing a signing at a local Barnes and Noble for her new CD. She’s also on tour with a show of her own, in very select cities. I might try and see her when she’s in Washington. I don’t know why the hell she got booked in Cherry Hill, NJ for this signing, seems Philly would have been a bigger market. But who cares really . . . I met Wonder Woman!

Gurl Looks Good!

Here is a quick photo I took of her standing. See I told you, gurl looks good! Not sure about that skirt though 😉

7 Replies to “Tonight I Had A Religious Experience, I Met Wonder Woman!”

  1. You must be in 7th heaven. This is like, the ultimate dream for you!! I’m so excited that you got to meet her.

    I am pretty sure that skirt is kind of icky 🙂

  2. I am so happy for you!!! She does look good! I agree with Becky, that skirt does like kinda icky. Now all you need to do is make a Poster of you two and put it in the Wonder Woman room!

  3. Here I was feeling so sorry for you and your dental trip—figured that was the reason for a quick return home! So darn glad that you had this opportunity!

  4. Lynda was actually in Jersey lol. I was sitting in the dentist office in Virginia, in the chair, when I got the message on Twitter that Wonder Woman herself was appearing the next day . . . in Cherry Hill no less! I was just like, hell, I’m going back. I was supposed to stay all weekend in Virginia, but I was not giving up Wonder Woman 🙂

  5. aww Dustin. So excited and jealous all in one!!!!! That’s freakin’ awesome!!! Thanks for sharing the pics.

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