It’s late, I’m pooped, and after I was told this story I literally downed a glass of vodka in anticipation/dread of tomorrow. Sorry for any mistakes 🙂
So John came home tonight to tell me how he rocked his niece and nephews world (mostly just the oldest nephew). Oh yes, this is a story which will probably turn into huge drama tomorrow. I might just have to stay away from the farm for the day, but probably won’t be able to resist pre-4th fireworks.
First some background. John has two nephews and a niece that live here (three grown nieces in Texas). The oldest nephew is going into 8th grade, the middle child/nephew is going into 6th grade and the niece into 3rd grade. I’m fairly certain those are their grades 🙂
Well John’s entire family is also VERY Republican (well except apparently the nieces in Texas). During the election I got an earful from the 3rd grader as to why Obama was a bad man and I shouldn’t vote for him. She recited what she heard at home pretty well! Did she understand what she was saying? Probably not 🙂 Well apparently lately the 8th grader has really been on a “Obama and the democrats have ruined this country beyond repair” kick. This is basically how this all started.
At the dinner table it was John, his mother and the childrenz. The news was apparently on, and the 8th grader was just apparently giving his usual “It’s the Democrats fault” shtick. They were probably doing the weather report on how it will rain on the 4th. You think that’s a joke, but seriously, it would be the Democrats fault. (We have such power, who knew!)
John apparently informed the 8th grader that we just came out of 8 years of a republican white house as well as years of a republican controlled senate, so did he really think within 6 months anything was going to get done or solved given the dilemma our country was in? And how did he think we got here? Was it all the democrats fault?
Well the middle child asked John if he was a democrat. John said yes he was. The middle child asked why? The 8th grader decided to answer by saying “Because he doesn’t know any better.” Oh yes, he did! I’m sorry, but I hate that answer, and republicans give it in spades. I can accept that many people who are republicans came to that choice through their own decision (okay and for many yes their church) so why do they always have to assume people who are democrats are so because they are dumb? Sorry, but that statement makes republicans look dumb in my opinion 🙂
Okay I got sidetracked by a tangent. John apparently also got steamed at that point and said he was a democrat because he was a gay American. This is how he told the story to me, I don’t know what else was said. Frankly I would have phrased it as one of the reasons, not the only reason. To be a democrat just because you are gay is as naive as the republican insult I ranted on before. To go on another tangent, I grew up with my parents never talking about politics and I assumed they were republicans cause most of our family was. Hey we lived in Virginia! I remember thinking Reagan and George the 1st were great. It was the first Iraq war that turned me to the dark side though 🙂 I identified as democrat along time before I admitted to myself and others I was gay. I only found out my parents were democrats when I was adult and myself got interested in politics and bothered to ask them questions. And yes, I know Obama and the democrats have not gone out of their way to help gays, but unlike George the 2nd I don’t expect democrats in this day and age to make it a priority to hinder gays with stupid marriage amendments either (and yes I know we are were we are in part thanks to Clinton signing Doma – like I said I’m not a total idiot).
Okay back on track. Well the middle child responds to the gay news with “I’m guessing you aren’t talking about being happy?” These kids do know what gay is, we live in an open area, they help run a farm market stand on weekends in the gay mecca of South Jersey (Collingswood). John said no . . . and then this is where I got involved. He then told them “And Dustin isn’t my housemate” which is what they have believed for years and years and years. That we are best friends who live together. Honestly, I expected to be questioned yearsssss ago about this and never was. They even regularly come over to play videogames here and really never ask questions about photos and stuff hanging around! Yes I guess they really were that naive/sheltered.
John said he thinks the middle child and youngest probably could careless about this revelation, either they really care less or they are too young to be bothered by it (I disagree, more in a few). He thinks though that the oldest child was in fact shocked. As John put it, he now has to think for himself and evaluate some things rather than regurgitate what his father tells him. Oh, you don’t want to get me started on what KINDS of things he could hear about the gays from his father. We are talking about a man who once felt a close friend of the family was only gay because he had a crummy relationship with his father growing up.
John’s sister was none too pleased with him apparently, as now she has to sit down and have this talk with her kids. My opinion on this of course is that is is far too late and overdue. I mean this is an important talk to have with kids when they are young enough. It’s not different than the racism talk, as well as the sex talk. Okay the sex talk is probably #1, otherwise your kids will end up on that new MTV show “Pregnant at 16 (if they are lucky to make it to 16!).
Ahhh another tangent! Back on track. Basically kids in this day and age know what gays are, if they haven’t been exposed to us evil gays on nasty liberal TV then they got the education in school and probably from the mouths of kids who are repeating what their asshole parents said. We do however live in a very open and accepting area, not to mention an area with a high school known for the drama department and churning out stars (shout out to Ali Larter and Kelli Rippa), so here is hoping these kids got some positive information as well. I mean in this day and age, talk to your kids and talk early. It’s everywhere now, they’ll get exposed with or without your input (just like sex), so make it a positive experience. I learned what gay was when I was in 3rd grade, cause the kids in school called me faggot, gay-wad and teased me that I was going to have a sex-change operation when I grew up. Yes, 3rd grade. This was a long time ago too, so don’t think your kids will live in a bubble about this issue!
The father’s reaction is of course going to be the biggie. I think John and I are going on 8 years together now. You know how many conversations I’ve had with this man? None. I think he’s said all of 2 sentences, maybe 3, to me in all these years. I remember one was bitching at me for always being around too. A second was “Where is John at.” The man never bothered to get to know me, I was John’s lova and that made his mind up for him. Since then I have heard all the shit he has told the employees at the farm about me over the years. Let’s see . . . . John supports me. I live in John’s house and don’t pay the bills. I mooch of John and the family (IE his family). My favorite is that all I do is sit home all day and smoke dope. As recently as last month one employee was shocked that I didn’t smoke dope. He said “but you used to right?” I said “no, in spite of what X said, I have never smoked dope!” That in fact is the truth. I can honestly say I have only taken one drag off of one joint in my life, and that was enough for me. I have also NEVER smoked a cigarette, period. I have never done crack, coke or any other drug either. Obviously from the beginning of this post, I have had alcohol 🙂
So there you have it. Tomorrow could be big fun! Did you have big fun with “The Wretched” Vanessa? Did you? Like I said, the father has hated me for years. He hates that the kids like to come over to our house and play. He hates that the kids even talk to me and hang out with me. I have a feeling someone is going to try and make new rules banning me and this house lol. Bring it, someone has had an ass kicking coming for 7 years. I can honestly say I long for an excuse to punch the man. Yes, I know, violence never solves anything. But didn’t we all cheer when Daniel-san kicked some ass at the end of the movie 🙂
Sending prayers that there is no big family blow-out.
Here’s to hoping that life can only get better from here :).
Yowza!! i hope everything goes alright! Yeah, if that kid is old enough to know what gay is and to say things about being Republican or blaming things on the Deomocrats, then the conversation about their uncle being gay and living with his partner is very very overdue and he should be old enough to hear the other side of things too, not just whatever spews from his parents’ mouths!
Wow! Never a dull moment, huh? I really don’t know what to say other than holy crap! I feel bad for those kids for growing up in that kind of environment.
I am the only democrat in my whole family. My dad won’t discuss politics with me at all. He’s still mad that I have an educated opinion and that it differs from his.
I hope that things go ok this weekend. And that the only fireworks you see are the ones in the sky 🙂
Hey Dustin.. Sounds like drama. I live with drama with my in-laws a lot.. However, don’t judge all us christians on what you have seen in the past. I believe that the Bible says don’t judge and guess what?? You are more than just gay Dustin. You have a great sense of humor – a great gift of writing and on and on. I am a christian who doesn’t judge people. I have several friends who are gay. Although, I will say I feel the lifestyle is a sin according to the Bible, it also says not to judge. Also says that you have to find your own relationship with God. I believe the Bible is interpreted many different ways. This is just my opinion. Just like I feel I shouldn’t be judged because I hate spongebob.. I could just go on and on about people judging others. I hate that.
Anyway, off my soapbox….. People need to accept and love others as who they are.
Hope things go better Dustin. Always stinks to have issues with family members.
I’m not judging all Christians, or any Christians. This post had nothing really to do with that, aside from a little joke I put in there. However I stand by my statement that for many being a republican is because of their faith. Just like I said for many being a democrat shouldn’t be because you are gay. Not a judgment, a fact or at least my opinion.
I gritted my teeth as I read about that dinner conversation, and again when I read about the way the father has treated you. You’re a pretty amazing person, Dustin, and John is lucky to have you.