Just an FYI, I have deleted my Myspace, Facebook and my Twitter accounts. No, I’m not joking, they are gone. Deleted. Dead. If you don’t…
Vegetarianism Again, With A Side Of Fish
So after gaining too much weight back that I had lost last year, and realizing I was eating far too much crap (i.e. fast food),…
RNC Chief Makes Stupidest Case Against Gay Marriage Ever
So it’s been awhile since I made any politics posts, but this one takes the cake! Today the Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele suggested…
Work It Gurl!
Okay so first up, I’m finally doing better. I didn’t take any cold medicine this weekend, weaning myself from the evil stuff. I even went…
Worst Luck Ever!
So if you’ve followed the tweets, you know what’s been going on. After my week from hell I thought things would look up finally with…
No Need To Abort . . . . The Countdown Starts
So I’m freeeeeee! Well kinda. My job ended this week, well it was my last days teaching I should say. I still have a butt-load…