So I thought I should make a final post on the Twitter debacle. Basically yesterday I got an automatic email from Twitter saying my account had been restored. I put in about 40 million attempts to restore account because I didn’t want someone usurping my username and confusing people, not that anyone would, but I am paranoid like that.

Well finally something in the system clicked and it let me restore my account. Well actually only kinda. Everything was there, but I was getting no updates from anyone I was following after the moment the restore happened. I eventually realized I would basically have to go in and unfollow and refollow everyone to get it working again.

Unfortunately this only half-ass worked as well. Some people it let me refollow, others it was just giving me errors and making the browser is thinking/spinning wheel sign in the lower corner.

Not only was that a problem, but my photo got messed up and after about 20 attempts to upload a new one (which failed) I just got pissed off and fed up. It seems the photo problem has been an ongoing issue on Twitter since sometime in April based on their “Known Issues” page.

I didn’t want a half-ass working Twitter account, it would just frustrate me. So I re-deleted it, this time for good. This time it also told me that the restore account feature was now down, so this delete would be permanent and for good. I said “Byedeybye Captain Walkah” and hit the delete button.

I figured I originally deleted it for a reason, clearly it needed to stay deleted and gone. That is what the universe was saying I think. I’m sure my 8 million daily rambles aren’t missed 🙂 I do however realize one thing Twitter was very useful for, knowing when people updated their blogs. Most of my blogroll was on Twitter so I always knew when a new post went up.

Anyways, learn some lessons from this kiddos. First, don’t delete your Twitter account unless you really want to, because like the Pet Cemetery, it will come back as something evil and only part alive. Second, if you decide you don’t like your Twitter picture, replacing it might be a gamble and you might end up with a broken link that you and everyone on your list has to look at.

Twitter has been a spaz lately, and it seems clear their servers weren’t prepared for the influx of new users that came on. I know they publicly claimed awhile back that this was not Oprah’s fault for talking about Twitter, but we all know it is. It’s totally Oprah and Ashton’s fault 🙂

I might down the road get a new Twitter for the sole purpose of knowing when blogs are updating and letting people know when mine is updated. However my guess is sometime this summer something new will be out to replace Twitter, basically making Twitter a Myspace to the Facebook of whatever replaces it.

7 Replies to “Twitter Twatter Toilet Water”

  1. Hi Dustin,

    I happened to be at Jen’s when all of your Tweeter etc.”unplugging” happened. When I got home I couldn’t understand why the side bar was missing.

    I understand your need to cut back the cord, but I do miss the little messages and pics throughout the day. I looked forward to the “instant” comments about your day–sometimes I would just laugh and other times I’d feel your frustration. I don’t think a blog on your flight to Atlanta would have had the same impact as your “tweetering” and pics. I vasilated from tears to laughter that day. So the “break -up” with the instant in touch devices has caused withdrawal symptoms from your cyber buddies also.

    Good luck with the dissertation—imagine, this will be the last summer you have to carry the weight of that project on your back!!

    Lin/WV Nan

  2. Ok–now you know for sure and have in print my lack of technology. I’m called “The Technology Impaired Nan”!

    I just realized that it’s Twitter not Tweeter. I always imagined it was like a little bird “chirping in” thus the Tweeter!!!

    Ok–you all can pick yourselves up off of the floor and share my lack of technology with someone else for a good laugh!

    Lin–a very blushing WV Nan

  3. I’m so happy you wrote this post. I wonder if my phone isn’t the problem, but twitter is? I swear it’s more work than it needs to be. Back in the day it used to be fun and quick. Now, not so much. I hardly get on twitter anymore. I try at night mostly- that is when it seems to work the best.

  4. I still have my primetime blog twitter to send out TV blog updates, and I follow a few news sources on it I like to know when are updated. Twitter always fails around noon to 3pm for me it seems, too many people on.

    I’m having the photo problem on that account too, changed it recently and it got all messed up.

  5. I miss you there, but understand you not wanting to put up with the hassle. It’s been working better for me lately, but I know last month I was ready to delete too. For the record, I’m not linking to my updates there. An overly clingy classmate has begun to follow me, and I *don’t* want to lead her to my blog! I’ve even gone so far as to go back into my updates and delete tweets w/ a link to it. Blah. Now I simply type “updated” without the link.

    I loved the Pet Cemetery reference! *LOL*

  6. I am going to miss ya on Twitter but I will continue to follow ya on your blog. I understand your frustrations though.

  7. I’ll miss you on Twitter, too. I got such a kick out of your updates. But, good for you for being will-powered enough to “just say no”!!

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