So it’s been awhile since I made any politics posts, but this one takes the cake! Today the Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele suggested a new way to oppose gay marriage and reach a new audience, you know, who might not have moral issues against it, which studies show many younger people don’t. The strategy? Go for their pocket books, especially in this troubled economy. The problem? His logic is STUPID.

Steele apparently got the idea while talking to a young republican who was fiscally conservative, but socially liberal. Using the idea of health care and other benefits, the logic is to point out supporting gay marriage means businesses have to shell out more money . . .

“Now all of a sudden I’ve got someone who wasn’t a spouse before, that I had no responsibility for, who is now getting claimed as a spouse that I now have financial responsibility for,” Steele told Republicans at the state convention in traditionally conservative Georgia. “So how do I pay for that? Who pays for that? You just cost me money.”

Astounding logic! Let’s oppose gay marriage because small businesses will have to pay more benefits out. Let’s overlook how many other businesses will in fact actually get a boost from it. Gays do have more expendable income than other couples for a variety of reasons we won’t go into. Oh and well, gays love to throw a good party. Recent studies in California showed how much the economy there would actually benefit from gay marriage. Oh well, they voted to ban it and now that state is going broke. All that money gone to Iowa and Maine, sucks to be California right now huh?

Of course the most ridiculous part of this argument? For years and years the population figure for gays in our country has been around the 10% mark . . . . . sucks to be a small business when 90% of the employee pool is straight, can get married, and you’ll have to shell out more money to cover their spouses and dependents health insurance and other benefits.

Source: ABC news/AP