I’ve seen the following picture on a few blogs the last few days, so I’m keeping it going. I have NO idea what the hell is going on with this . . . um . . . woman? But it scares me. This is the crap that you’ll dream about tonight, not in a good way.
The odd thing is, the photo fascinates me! I actually want to know more about her. Though I’m afraid to find out at the same time.

http://www.snopes.com/photos/people/peppers.asp it may be Brian Peppers mother..
haha 😀
Okay glittermom, I’m way disturbed now!
It looks photoshopped. But creepy all the same.
Ok..that’s a bit on the freaky side. And I know better than to click on links. And yet I did it anyway. Bad glittermom 🙂 If I have nightmares, you will be hearing about it!