So I should be in Orlando and at Universal right now. Where am I? At the airport still!

Our plane left from Boston when it should have been landing in Orlando. We have had about a 4 hour delay, maybe 5. I am just hoping the plane gets here and can take off! Another flight for Ft Laudedale boarded, but everyone had to get off because their pilot was apparently on our jet!

I know it was the weather, but the way the airline handled the customers and the complete lack of info was really ridiculous. They set snacks and drinks out for us, and the people working the counter helped themselves to them! Um, no.

What I am really pissed over is an entire lost day in Orlando. Granted we still have 2 full ones, but that isn’t the point. Nobody wants to go to the park whenever we finally get there, they want to get drunk after this. I might go to the park alone.

Not off to a good start and worried what disaster will happen next.

2 Replies to “Sitting At The Airport”

  1. There are people that flew into Vancouver before Christmas, and they STILL haven’t got their luggage. That place was a dissaster over the holidays because of the weather. Air Cananda let alot of people down! Hope the rest of your holiday runs smoothly!

  2. Why are you flying out of Logan?!? That airport is horrendous. I try to avoid it at all costs.

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