Here is another fun filled photo post! I took these tonight, as I arrived back home in Virginia.

First is our original nativities. The one at the top right was our families, which we inherited from my great grandmother. To the left is one of those melt-in-your-oven-and-stink-up-your-house stained glass kits my mom did sometime in the 80s. Below is a small set my uncle made for my grandma at some point.
Lots of photos in this post, so read on for the rest . . .

My grandma and mom bought this cheap plastic nativity for me when I was around 6 or 7. Why? Well because I loved our nativity so much and one year while playing with it I broke the head off baby Jesus. Oops! He was super baby Jesus and flying around the living room when I dropped him. So they got me my own, thus began my collection!

My brother and I always had a tree in our room growing up. The original one became too ugly looking, so my mom replaced it sometime in the early 90s with a Hallmark miniature tree. So here it is decorated with various Hallmark miniature ornaments, which can’t really be seen. They are Star Wars, Wiz of Oz, Santas, Marching Band Bears and so on. Yes the angel was crooked, I fixed it post-photo. This sits in my room in Virginia by the way. I thankfully no longer share a room with my brother.

Around the tree are various ornaments and MORE nativities I have been given over the years. I have so many of these things, again a lot were the “yearly Hallmark collectibles,” (the Poo Bear fireplace set here was one) that we don’t even put them all up anymore. No space, and more to take down (you know we put up enough as is!)

This is our main tree. It’s decorated with a hodgepodge of ornaments. Yes more Hallmarks, but also glass blown ones, some Lennox stuff, some handmade stuff my mom did in the 80s (and a few from the 60s!). Again we have enough ornaments to fill 5 trees probably, we can’t use them all. The angel is from when I was a little kid. She’s pretty raggedy, and was probably a cheap purchase one year when my parents were young. It’s something you’d find at a dollar store nowadays, but we use her still for nostalgia.

Of course there is a plethora of Nativity Ornaments on the tree as well 🙂

Here is one that my mom made back in high school. She made a ton of these blown out egg ornaments, but I think this might be the only one that still survives. Of course it’s because it’s protected by Baby Jebus 🙂

Yes there is ONE last tree! This is the Sci-Fi tree. We eventually got so many Star Wars ornaments that my mother condemned them to their own tree. This was actually my Grandma’s small artificial tree she used to put up. It’s decorated mainly with Star Wars and Wizard of Oz Ornaments . . . .

“Bring me the broomstick of the Wicked Witch of the West!”

Of course nothing says Christmas like a sexualized Princess Leia in slave garb

It also wouldn’t be Christmas without a Wonder Woman ornament (or 4 . . . )
I also took a walk around the neighborhood tonight, camera in hand. I risked frostbitten fingers, trespassing across school grounds (short cut) and the very real possibility of getting a shot gun pointed at me by someone who thought I might be casing their joint. I took a few photos, though I wanted to get more (the shot gun image however was stuck in my head).

Holy Blow-Up Christmas Batman! This house had an entire yard of those light-up blow-up lawn ornaments, many of which were playing music. They probably had the best display. Sadly a lot of the lights I saw were pretty, um, tacky. Others were nicely hung, but not really photo worthy.

I really liked this house a lot (the picture sucks sorry) and thought they did a good job. However they got points off in my opinion for having one of the most egregious Christmas light offenses you can have. Yes I’m talking about a beautifully done house . . . aside from the one small strand that blinks on and off. Grrrrrr!

For as long as I can remember, which is back to Preschool, this guy has always put a simple blue star on his roof every year. It’s one of those things that just makes you feel nice to see each year. It will be sad when he dies and doesn’t do it anymore. Gosh see how I ruined this beautiful post with thoughts of death? Oh and no, I don’t think he’s Jewish 🙂

Hmmmm, yes, I’ll let you decide on this one . . . . .
“Super baby Jesus”???? That cracked me up! Love the Pooh stuff and the Sci-Fi tree! Have a great Christmas!
Great pictures. How fun to see other people’s decorations. Thanks for sharing. Merry Christmas, Dustin and all readers of the blog!
So how many nativity sets do you really have…? I’ve taken up a collection myself…and so far I have 8.
What, no South Park figures? 😉
Thanks for the photos. Have a wonderful and safe Christmas.
Big cyber hugs,
WV Nan aka Lin
Between 2 houses, I believe 13 nativities lol. However I would say only 10 are really mine.
Oh as for South Park, I don’t think we have ornaments, but I know we have Mr. Hanky The Christmas Poo doll.
Merry Christmas Dustin.
Where are all my Santas?
You were obsessed with the baby Jesus. I guess it was the “church” preschools you attended.
Merry Christmas!!!
Merry Christmas to you and your family! Loved your pictures!
The Nativity scenes are lovely; don’t get rid of any of your
older ornaments regardless of original price. The older you
get, the more precious they become. I know; I’m already there.
Merry Christmas and sweet blessings.