I have put up all three of my Christmas villages, so I thought I’d share some photos. These aren’t of the highest quality mind you. I took them on my iPhone to upload online to Twitter.

First up is my Grandma’s classic cardboard village from the 50s/60s. They used to set this up and light it up (it’s in such bad shape to try that now), as well as have a Christmas train going around it. No idea where the train is now. It was probably just a regular toy train.
Next is Sparkletown, an updated classic of my grandma’s cardboard village. It’s made out of much sturdier materials. This was a gift from the BF last year.
Finally Christmas Town, which is in fact the town from the old Bankin-Rass Santa/Rudloph specials.
Love your decorations Dustin!! Especially Christmas Town.
very beautiful Dustin! thanks for showing us.
Thank you Dustin for sharing your decorations. My grandma had the same cardboard houses. You could put the old fashioned big Christmas bulbs in the back. It’s a miracle they never caught on fire. You sparked some great memories. Please share more. Some of us never get bored!
Hope your Thaksgiving dinner plans go well.
Dustin, thank you for all of the time you put in to keeping us informed, entertained, and connected.
I’ll be playing mom and Nan for the next couple of days and loving every minute of it so for now—Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Big cyber hugs,
WV Nan
Thanks for sharing those photos.
Christmas villages are so pretty and help you get into the spirit of the season.
I love Christmas villages. There’s something about them I just find almost magical. Funny thing is, I don’t have any…I find them to be a pain in the butt to put up, but I love other people’s collections. Then I think “maybe next year”!
i love anything vintage, so i’m totally dying over your grandma’s cardboard village!!! You need to hold on to that! it’s awesome!! Maybe you can zoom in and we can have a “visit” in the old Christmas Village?
Oh, Dustin, I love, love, love your Christmas Villages. My aunt had one when I was a kid, and when I became an adult, had my own for years and years. Yep, thety do get rather bedraggled. What my aunt did was to put cardboard boxes of varying hsizes in a corner, cover the whole shebang with some sort of purple paper, then tuck the houses in varying niches, adding trees, people, etc. with the manger in the middle. It resembled a mountainside. I did a smaller version, using books, and big, black plastic garbage bag tucked in, sprayed with fake snow, then tucked in the village houses, had a skating rink, people pulling kids on sleds.trees, etc. etc.
Your villages are just beautiful, I am envious! Hope you have a wonderfully old fashioned Holiday. Merry Christmas, Dustin. Tis a month away, but be happy. Enjoy.