I just got my copy of Animal Crossing: City Folk WITH Wii Speak today. I lucked out, not only did I have a 10 dollar gift card, but Best Buy messed up so I got another 10 bucks off, and this purchase put me over a threshold to get another 10 dollar gift card. Woot! Anyway, here are my details. It looks like you only have to register the friend code the game gives you and the town name, but I’m including my console friend code too.

Wii Friend Code (Console Code) : 5820 7419 9273 4529
Animal Crossing Code: 4081 8992 1913
Animal Crossing Town Name : SpringDF

Feel free to leave yours in the comments. Never fear, we BOTH have to register for it to work, so some strange person won’t be able to use what you leave to invade your town or mine 🙂

130 Replies to “Animal Crossing City Folk Friend Codes!”

  1. Hey Dustin! I was doing a search for Animal Crossing: City Folk friend codes and stumbled upon your blog. I read that you used to do the Days of our Lives blog years ago. I used to read that all the time! So, we both love Days, we both love Animal Crossing, and we’re both gay! LOL, how funny! Such a small world, eh? Anyway, my reason for writing you is I would love to add you to my friend list on AC, but you didn’t post your character name. I assume it’s probably Dustin? If you wouldn’t mind, please write me back with your friend code, character name, and town name if you don’t mind. Here’s mine…

    Code: 5155-6402-1898
    Name: John
    Town: Cornwell

    Thanks Dustin! By the way, may I say you are a SEXY man!! (I know you’re taken, but I can dream right? LOL)

    – John

  2. I added both of you tonight. I will be playing off and on throughout the day, so just look to see if my gate is open.

  3. Town: Emercia
    Name: Mark
    Friend Code: 1805-5678-1610

    I added you man. Hope to see you soon! I got pears so feel free to visit!

  4. Please add me as well, any of you.

    Name: miles
    Town: Cydonia
    Code: 001-6824-5089

    If you would like to add me, send me an email with your info to miles7@gmail.com and I’ll add you right away.

  5. Hello. I just got this game and could really use some friends. Please add me. I’ll be adding all of you!
    Name: ViNNiE
    Town: Utopia
    Fruit: Orange
    FC: 2406-8651-9682

    Thank you!

  6. hi if you put in my friend code send me a message and will play

    animal crossing

    Town: dionotown

  7. name: alison
    town: hoboton
    friend code: 1848 5169 7226

    i’ll add all of you guys too. i’ve got cherries.

  8. everyone please add


    P.S. I will add whoever adds me so just post here that you did

  9. oooo i just started playing this and would love to have friends ^^

    name: Enyo
    town: Ennyvill
    code: 2621-6147-5396
    fruit: the peach

    just started out so no funny stuff about my mismatched house =P lolol

    i can’t talk yet, but planning on getting that next paycheck

  10. Hello. I got this two days ago. I don’t have the Wii Speak yet, only the game. If anyone wants to add friend codes, we can play and stuff.

    Name: Guy
    Town: The Town (Creative, I know!)
    Code: 3996-0007-0248
    Fruit: Peach

    I’ll likely add everyone I see here. Let me know if you do the same. Cool.

  11. Hey everyone add me i will add you all too

    NAme: Meggan
    Town: porkchop
    FC : 2320-9640-2957
    Fruit: Cherries

    Anyone have cocounuts

  12. Hey i just got this game, but i have no live friends on it yet, so please add me!

    Town name: A Puddle
    My name: WolfKing

    Add my yahoo for messenger as well, so that i may get yours, and we will know what time we are both on!


  13. My friend code is 4597-2966-2197 if anyone wants to play me reply to me my townz name is came lot and my fruit is cherry please stop by!

  14. I just got Ac city folk and its very cool!! I will add all of you guys .

    Town name: Dawson

    My name : Terry

    Code: 1333-1236-2851

  15. I will be adding you all!! So add me too!!

    AC code 2707-5138-7569
    City name: Amoria (I did not named the City)

  16. Please add me to your friend list.

    We have no AC City Folk friends. 🙁

    Name: Scooby
    Town: Katy
    Fruit: Orange
    Friend: 1676-7222-9793

    scotthou791@me.com to let me know if I need to open the gate…not exactly sure how this works.

  17. Hey Everyone add me… mi code 3480-6084-8770 town name: papalo’s my name:Mateu …i added all of you

  18. to everyone who said “respond if you added me”, i added you. i added everyone who has posted a number up to this point. so you guys add me too. here’s my stuff again if you don’t want to scroll up and look for it

    name: alison
    town: hoboton
    friend code: 1848 5169 7226

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