So you get 2 in 1 week, 2 politics post from me! This one is also out of my anger and frustrations because of the passing of so many anti-gay measures, especially banning gay marriage in Florida (where it was already illegal), Arizona (where previous votes shot the ban down, guess it only counts when it gets approved?) and California (where thousands will now have the right stripped from them, I guess they get downgraded to Civil Unions).
The people have spoken and they obviously feel passionately about protecting marriage. However the funny thing is, the only thing they seem to be doing is keeping gays from getting married; a right they already don’t have in most of these states. Hmmmm, that’s how we go about protecting marriage? In this day and age when the divorce rate is over 50%, where anyone can get married and divorced in a day in Las Vegas, where we have TV shows like “Wife Swap” and “The Bachelor and Bachelorette” which turn marriage into entertainment. Well I’m sorry, but we can do better when it comes to protecting the holy sanctity of marriage.
What can we do? Easy, we write our senators and congressmen and demand more laws be put into effect or given to the people to vote on. Marriage must be protected from everyone, not just the gays. Otherwise, well we really aren’t protecting marriage we are just discriminating. The following are some suggestions for new laws that we should really consider introducing.
Since to so many people the banning of gays marrying was done based on religious reasons, let’s make marriage a religious institution. Any marriage not performed in a church is immediately reduced to a civil union. To be married one must not only be married in the church, but in a church both parties attend. We need to require the bride and groom to attend the church of their choice regularly for at least one year. Oh and yes, attendance will be taken and they must attend marriage classes! If you miss too many days, just like school, you have to repeat your year. This also serves as a waiting period as well. This prevents people from rushing into marriage too soon or without thinking it over. The days of getting married on a drunken whim alah Britney Spears are over. It really was a blight on the sanctity of marriage anyways. Now if you don’t want to abide by these laws, you can still get the “almost as good, but not the same word or cultural meaning civil union.”
The church teaches we should save ourselves for marriage. Well that’s not really a reality in this day and age is it? Also while medically we can check to see if a woman is virgin, you can’t for a man. Now we don’t want to discriminate when it comes to denying someone the right to marry do we? Therefore since we’ve already proposed a year long attendance of church and waiting period, let’s add abstinence to that year as well. Couples cannot cohabitate for one year and must abstain from any and all sex with each other or anyone. Monthly lie detector tests will be imposed to make sure this is followed.
Divorce should be banned. It seems the biggest threat to marriage is in fact divorce! If people can’t divorce, they’ll think long and hard about getting married won’t they? Okay okay, this too is hardly realistic now is it? Divorce will be granted if determined necessary by a court of law, but the individuals forfeit the right to ever re-marry. Now we don’t expect you to be single and alone forever, that would be too cruel. If voters allow, divorced individuals will be permitted to enter into civil unions. This last one definitely must be decided by the voters though.
Since we often here the argument that marriage between a man and a woman is the basis for a family, that is the point of marriage . . . Well let’s solidify the function of marriage in law. Within 5 years of marriage, a couple must produce a child or the marriage will be dissolved by the state/country. Unfortunately there are some people who, because of infertility issues, cannot have children. Fortunately for them, adoption isn’t an option! They will be required to file to adopt a child. However because of waiting lists and time periods, as well as the availability of babies, couples might not get their first choice of sex or color of their new child. The state will do it’s best to fulfill their requests though.
Now I know at this point people are giggling and think this is a joke. Make no mistake here, I’m dead serious. The people of this country and in so many states have spoke, they believe in the sanctity of marriage and the idea of protecting it. However they just aren’t doing enough. Why I don’t know, maybe they just only care about gays getting married. I mean after all, they aren’t gay so that doesn’t affect them does it? It’s MUCH easier to vote away the rights of others than it is to vote away the rights of yourself isn’t it?
THAT is what this is about. Making America see how wrong it is to vote on people’s rights, especially the majority voting on a minority’s rights. I fully plan to draft these ideas up into a very professional and serious letter and send it to my senators and congressmen. I will post the letter when I do, but until then I encourage you to do the same and spread it, or these ideas, or hell this post around the net. Because there are people out there who will not stop until they have taken my rights away, I WILL NOT STOP until someone introduces at least one of these as an actual state bill. I WILL NOT STOP until one of these ideas is put on a ballot and voted on. I want the rest of America to think even if it is for just one split second “Holy hell, what if by some odd luck of karmic fate this bill passes and I lose these rights?”
I’m trying to formulate a comment, but I just can’t. I just can’t accept the fact that those propositions passed! I don’t understand the rationale behind the decision to take someone’s rights away. I hope that your suggestions are taken seriously. It scares the crap out of me to think about what right will be targeted next.
You are so right!! Discrimination never passes the logic test.
Hey Dustin,
Make sure you include this part you wrote in your letter! “I mean after all, they aren’t gay so that doesn’t affect them does it? It’s MUCH easier to vote away the rights of others than it is to vote away the rights of yourself isn’t it?” SO VERY TRUE!! I would also like to add that actually it is the VERY HATE filled people that voted YES on this issue that are ruining the sanctity of Marriage!!! Nowadays people rush in and out of Marriage like its a JOKE!! People get divorced just because they are too damn lazy or selfish to work on the Marriage & its much easier to get divorced then to actually work on their Marriage!! Now I realise thier are extenuating circumstances like abuse & infidelity, but come on people!!! Marriage is hard work. It’s like a rollar coaster there are ups & downs and you have to be willing to take the good with the bad and hopefully there are more ups & goodtimes then downs & bad times. Nowadays people just throw the towel in far to early. Seriously I know plenty of HATE FILLED people that could learn a thing or too about Marriage from this whole disgusting Bill! If they worked half as hard on their Marriages as they do getting this Bill Passed then the divorce rate wouldn’t be so high!!
Dustin, will you be getting married to John soon? You should have a commitment ceremony or marry in California! So much fun!!!!
wow. You rawk! Im so glad you wrote a blog like this. 🙂 thanks 🙂