So I had said I was going to make a rare politics post, but at this point the initial post is moot. It was going to be a post about why I was going to vote for Obama, how I had in fact THOUGHT the issues over and why I was voting the way I was. (BTW I was in fact a Hillary supporter)
However Obama has won, and he will be our next President. What should have been a reason for me to be happy and hopeful quickly turned sad though. Comments on Myspace, Facebook and web boards just bummed me out. I learned a lot of lessons today. What did I learn?
I learned suddenly it’s okay to question your President, to decide someone wasn’t your President cause you didn’t vote for him, and to question your country. Meanwhile over the last 8 years while I didn’t vote for Bush, I acknowledged he was the President. I was told anything else was un-American. If I disagreed with the war in Iraq, actions of our country or questioned voters; well I was downright un-Patriotic. I’m glad to see now that Obama has been elected, these wrongs have been righted. Feel free to hate the president and disagree with everything he says or does. It’s your right as an American to question authority and do so without judgement. I for one will NOT call you un-American or un-patriotic for doing so. Please remember that in the future though.
I learned when the country is divided politically, yet there is a Republican in office, well I needed to suck it up and think of the greater good of the country and unite and support him and the country. However when Obama is elected, well it’s okay to just tell people to suck it.
I learned that in fact I hated America, God, was a moron, a socialist, evil, a communist and couldn’t think for myself because I voted for Obama. Hmmm, I’m pretty sure none of the above are true. Equally I’m pretty sure if McCain had won, well people would still think all of the above about me were true 🙂
I learned just because a state goes Blue, doesn’t mean people still can’t be intolerant. I had “faith” that the American people would in fact pass all anti-gay ballots in all states. I never questioned that, as it’s hard for the minority to win a right when the majority is the one voting on it. What I was shocked to learn was that in California it was minorities who tipped the scales in favor of taking rights away from another minority. Karma sucks, and once people have taken all the rights they can from gay people, where the hell do you think they’ll go next? Start preparing cause you are next.
I learned, no make that I knew all along, that no matter who won this election that half of America wouldn’t be happy and we’d still remain a country divided. That should make people very sad, yet it just seems to have fueled peoples anger more. What I did learn was that the division politics has caused in this country, the nastiness, down right mean spiritedness and hate that comes with it will continue on and will resume in another four years. It will probably be worse than ever too.
The United States of America or the Divided States of America? Hard to tell . . .
Dustin…great blog as usual. You said everything I had to experience today from “the others”. I had to chew my own brother out for calling Obama a “stupid effing N****r”….and he didnt even vote!!! How dare anyone blast Obama or McCain and couldn’t even go vote???? Plus, friends that I have considered friends for most of my life are acting so childish and immature…saying things like they are moving to Canada. I say, don’t let the door hit ya on the way out! I could go on and on, but you get my point. I hope it does die down after a few days and people get some perspective and grow the hell up!
Thanks Dustin and Jamie—I so hope that today would be different. History was made last night. I was 12 when the first Catholic snd Irish to boot was elected. JFK excited me—I felt that as a young person I had a stake in this country. I saw the same hope in many youth of America. I’ll steal a line form Obama–Today were are not blue states, red states….we are all part of the United States. I too was an avid Hillary supporter—may we begin to heal and move on. Maybe tomorrow—
I posted this on both myspace and facebook lol, cause I knew it would come . . .
Let me add a comment. I have NOT removed anyone from my friends list, even after feeling isulted by comments. Feel free to remove me from yours if this pissed you off, as that is your right. Just know it was YOUR decision!
Oh man let me tell you how dead on your post is. I actually had a coworker who couldn’t come into work today cause she didn’t want to hear all the “n*****s” brag about winning. I was so appalled and shocked at the reaction of people. Hell I even had one coworker inform me she was “happy” that “the gays” can’t adopt. It’s better for the children that way.
So sad and yet they don’t think their views are prejudice because they have always believed it. (actually argument from one Rethuglican). A country based on ignorance and hate – that’s America!
Hey Jamie,
You can tell all your American Friends that are moving to Canada that we love Obama here! (probably more so and less divided) Our country is probably 80/20 in Support of Obama!!
David, that amendment didn’t just ban gays from adopting or fostering, it banned any unmarried single person. That will come back to bite grandma, aunt or uncle in the ASS when they find themselves wanting adopt grand kids, nieces or nephews when a TRADGEDY happens to their family. Oh SO SORRY! But the people spoke, and your single ass, even as the only living blood relative, isn’t good enough. Expect some serious crap to hit the fan!
Tricia, LOL. I peed myself at everyone today who was ready to move to Canada and Europe to escape “The Socialist.”
Hang in there my friend. Those who are ruled by fear and intolerance have been in control for a very long time. It is quite a shock for them to see their values repudiated.
We are entering a new and better time, a time of change in generation and in culture. Every state law and constitution is at the mercy of the SCUTUS and Obama will undoubtedly appoint newer, better justices. We stand at the threshold of a world where fairness and virtue will shape the way we live.
The voter approved initiatives are the last chance for folks to say “too much, too fast” in response to the incredible revolution we have experienced in gay rights. However, time is on our side and the party of equal rights for all, has been given control by a majority of citizens. Forget about the bitter people who would cling to the past and celebrate the victory of right over wrong. (humming battle hymn of America)
Dustin—didn’t realize that CA stops adoption by all singles–you’re right –the sh** is going to hit the fan! Thanks to everyone who posted. Other than a few friends and my daughter and her family–it’s about the only place that I feel safe enough to speak out without being bombarded by hatred and bigorty. One day at a time—take care all!
Not California, Arkansas 🙂
Oh I posted this on Myspace and Facebook for all the “friends” who made me feel like a steaming pile of shit to see 🙂 Then I posted it on some webboards and invited them to make me feel like shit, while pointing out most of them posted under screen names or didn’t give 1/4th of the information about themselves that I was brave enough to lol. I’m tired of being not only called unamerican, but a coward.
I already commented on your facebook, but I just had to say again how much I agree with you! And I am right there with WV Nan too.. it’s nice to come here and be surrounded by like-minded people! I’ll admit that I was petty enough to delete people from my facebook and myspace friends list yesterday because I got so tired of hearing the assinine comments. I didn’t act like that when Bush was re-elected even though it disgusted me. I am thrilled to be a part of this new historical era 🙂
There’s not much more I can add to this topic that hasn’t already been said. I too have read some of these childish, and sometimes even ignorant, comments over the past couple of days. WV Nan, I agree. Regardless of who people supported, history was made Tuesday night. We should be celebrating and honoring that. We all know we won’t please all of the people all of the time, but the assinine comments are just unnecessary. I am excited about what may happen in this new era!
I hated the way people booed when McCain made his concession speech whenever he mentioned Obama. I could tell that McCain wasn’t happy about their behavior either, despite his disappointment.
It speaks to their character.
I loved how you pointed out their hypocrisy.