This is the final clue, but not the final piece of the puzzle. This is my ghetto fabulous red wig. It’s ghetto fabulous cause I bought it for 25 bucks at a very ghetto wig shop in Philly.
This will go together with all the other clues below, as well as some fancy (ie cheap) sparkle blue eyeshadow from Rite-Aid and some sparkle lip gloss (I refuse to wear lipstick, yuck).
The final piece, my weapon of choice, will remain a mystery until Halloween. Oh and it really is the best part of the costume!
Anyway, Lori guessed correctly when she said a cross dressing serial killer. I don’t know where I got the idea, it came to me late one night. But that is what I plan to be!
you look like Shaggy from scooby doo lol!!
LOL LOL Dustin and I’m laughing at Scooby Doo and she’s right….
LOL the wig is red though, doesn’t show up well. And it’s short in the back and has the long bangs in the front. So it’s not a totall shaggy cut 🙂
I can’t wait to see it all put together. I still think it’s a doctoral student who has a real thing for Scooby Doo ready to defend! Dustin, you keep me laughing! Thanks.
Do I win a ‘booby prize’? lol.. Yayyyy for me! I am glad I got the theme of the costume right, because I was really wrackin my brain trying to come up with a specific one, I don’t watch enough horror movies to know all the cross dressing killers out there!
There aren’t that many, I think you got them both, Psycho and Lambs. I’m sure there are some obscure movies people haven’t heard of too. I’m sure I’ve seen them, I just can’t remember them 🙂 Oh wait I do know one, I just watched it, but to tell you would give away the amazing twist in it lol.
I’ll post a bunch of movie recommendations in a few days, and include that one in it 🙂 That way people won’t know which one it is 🙂
Too funny. I can’t wait to see it all together.
Maybe you were influenced by Vincent from Passions…Julian and Eves spawn
LOL, I totally should have gone as vincent! I didn’t even think about that.