Here is another part of my costume. First up, I apologize for the wrinkled appearance of it. I have not yet de-wrinkled it. Given it’s cheap polyester I’ll have to tumble dry it on low heat or steam it I’m sure, I’m afraid ironing it might actually melt it 🙂
The (cheap fake) knife came with it, but isn’t going to be part of my costume. I’m replacing it with another weapon. However I included it in because it might help make what the costume actually is from a bit easier to figure out.
The original plan was for me to just wear a pair of undies under this, so I could slash it up a bit and show some skin. I also watched to strategically slash to reveal parts of my soft supple breastases. However this could be changed depending on how cold it is on Halloween night. Like I said, it’s cheap polyester and I don’t want to freeze my ass off in this thing.
I cannot wait to see the final picture on what you are. Although I kind of have a clue already what you are going to be, but still it will be fun just to see the final results. 🙂
can i guess? are u going to be michael myers from Halloween!?
Funny, but it crossed my mind too, especially the way you are standing,,or possibly Jason,, but,, the boobs are not really fitting into the whole Myers/Jason thing. I am trying to think of a cross dresser killer, but coming up blank. Beards and boobs,, beards and boobs,, hmmmmm,, what about Norman Bates? He dressed up like his mom I think, but don’t remember him having a beard……
Or wait, there is the guy in Silence of the Lambs who wore the skin of the women he killed, and you did say you wanted to show as much ‘flesh’ as possible, depending on the cold…..
Lori wins! I’m a cross dressing/transexual serial killer 🙂 I have one more clue to post, which I will try and get up tonight 😛