I bet that title got your attention didn’t it! This post is inspired by one Becky did in which she listed a fun fact about herself was her love of horror movies going back to when she was a kid. Me too! This post, and the title, will be an eye opener for every mom out there, including my own mom, who I don’t think even knows some of this! Oh and yes, for those who don’t know, my mom reads this blog.
What was the first horror flick I ever saw? I can’t recall. I remember when I was in 2nd grade though “The Creature From The Black Lagoon” came on on Baltimore 45 in 3D! WOW! I remember watching it. However I also remember my parents watching “It’s Alive!” (I believe), cause I remember nightmares of some devil kid in my closet. Now to be fair, I also had nightmares about the Wicked Witch from “The Wizard of Oz” and Medusa from “Clash of the Titans,” who I was convinced lived under my bed. My mom even says she had to take me out of the theater for that scene. I had some issues as a kid, though somehow I became a horror movie junkie.
BTW apparently to the people “up north” in Jersey/Philly I pronounce the term “horror movie” as “whore movie,” which makes a lot of people turn their heads. “You’re going to what kind of movie convention?” Just another fun fact!
Okay back to 2nd grade. Well around that time on Baltimore 45 they showed “Psycho” which I also saw. Terrified of Mrs. Bates! Also there was “Trilogy of Terror,” which I own. I still don’t remember the boring first two stories from that movie, nobody does do they? No, we all remember the Zuni fetish doll that terrorized Karen Black around her apartment. Ironically when I saw it as an adult I was more fascinated by the fact that her anthropologist boyfriend gave it to her. Nice guy! The doll was in fact silly compared to what they release today, but still good for nostalgia.
This was the same time my lovely babysitters Beth and Debbie also showed me two horror flicks that I’ve never forgotten. The first was “Let’s Scare Jessica To Death,” which to this day still holds up. Comcast just showed it a few months back on FearNet and I watched it. It’s still bizarre as hell, but I don’t want to say too much about otherwise it gives it away. Let’s just say it involves a woman fresh out of a mental institute questioning whether she’s really nuts or not.
The other was “Basket Case.” Oh yes, that lovable movie about the guy who had his Siamese twin cut off from the side of him, only to carry him around in a basket and have him murder everyone around him. Yes they showed me and my brother this film to laugh at the full frontal nudity of the male star running down the street in one scene. “Look a penis!”
These are my earliest horror movie memories . . .
With it being Halloween, I find myself reflecting on my love of horror movies. Especially given the ages of the BF’s niece and nephews. They are giant scaredy cats, they can’t get through Harry Potter without having nightmares. Oh how I wish I could corrupt them! I think it’s funny given how afraid and basically sheltered they are in ways . . .
The niece is in 2nd grade. Clearly I had seen all of the above by time I was her age.
The middle one is in 4th grade. This would be when we got our first VCR (a BetaMax!) and my mother gave me free reign at Erols (our local version of Blockbuster) to rent out the entire horror section. Oh yes, I saw it all, from “Evil Dead” (the grossest thing available then) to “Microwave Massacre” (the dumbest thing available then).
Then there is the oldest who is in 7th grade. By that age there was nothing left I hadn’t seen! I had seen all the “Friday’s” to that point, “Nightmare,” as many “Halloweens” they had made (my brother and I still will sing the “Silver Shamrock” song to this day). I’m pretty sure that was when the “Hellraisers” were breaking out and I saw those too. I had seen all the “Living Deads” and “Chucky.” If they made it, I saw it.
Hmmmmmm, maybe this is why I’m so screwed up and did what I did to my house 🙂 Or maybe I just want to annoy the fundy church down the road to no end? No, I did it cause I love decorating for Halloween and used to do this on a very minor scale to our old townhouse when I was a kid (we had the best house on the block for a few years). Okay I admit it, I do think it would be funny if the church down the road tried to file a complaint with the township too (it’s a secret goal I’m working towards).
Signed yours in all things “whore”
P.S. I couldn’t let this post go given the title without saying “Have you checked the children?”

P.S.S. I never tire of this! It’s time for Silver Shamrock kids, so put on your masks!
I have such crystal clear memories of being at my best friend’s house in Alabama, she had cable back when it included the movie channels(early 80’s). We would watch horror movies all night and scream and giggle and have a great time!
To this day “When a Stranger Calls” is on my top 5 scary movie list:)
Okay I am apparently so out of touch. I have never heard of Silver Shamrock nor have I heard of half the movies you have listed.
I am glad you mentioned the living dead movies I am still afraid of zombies after those movies even though now I must admit they are cheesy. We lived down the road from a cementary and I would have nightmares about zombies wanting to eat my brain. My favorite line is “get the damn screwdriver out of my head”! And yes that title did get my attention lol
Ok, you have to keep in mind I was very sheltered as a child. To my memory my first experience with a horror movie is as follows. I was vacationing at the beach with my family. My friend and I went to the movies. Of course we told my Mom we were seeing (insert age friendly movie title here) but we really went to “Night of the Living Dead”. OMG, my friend had to sit up with me on the balcony of the hotel the rest of the night until dawn because I was so scared zombies were coming. We had to go the the balcony so I didn’t keep my Mom up because then she would know something was up and I didn’t want to get into trouble. I think I was maybe 12. I don’t know where this came from or why but as for my early childhood I was scared to death of vampires. It was so intense that my Mom had to sew a cross onto the zipper of my pajamas. Now as a grown-up I am completely fascinated with all things vampire, so go figure…
Funny how even in the horror genre there are so many different kinds. I love, love, love anything vampire! I also love werewolves, devil’s, demons and things with a more religious theme. I have not watched Chuckie’s or Jason’s etc. Ha Ha. I don’t know about the Silver Shamrock’s either. I like things like The Prophecy series with Christopher Walken, Stigmata with Patricia Arquette, The order with Heath Ledger, The Covenant, Ginger Snaps the Puppet Master Series, and again anything vampire!
Have you ever seen a horror movie called Microwave Madness? A guy who kills women, and eats them depending on what they are (for example, a white women he cooks a human size loaf of white bread to eat her on? It is from the 70’s, and is more funny/cheap than scary, but still, worth finding if your video store has it. I watch horror movies from behind pillows, or I go on moviespoiler.com, read about it, then I know when to hide my eyes,, lol.
Ok, me bad. I just looked it up at IMDB.com, it is Microwave Massacre, and it is 1983… sorry!
I put it in the post, yes I have seen it, and I thought I was the only one 🙂
I saw the Microwave Massacre in the post, which made me think it was a different movie, cause I thought mine was Microwave Madness. I wondered what the chances were of two movies with such similar titles,, lol, so I looked it up. Ooooops! I was suprised to see the lead actor (Jackie Vernon) is the same guy who did the voice of Frosty the Snowman!
Wow, three posts to you in one day! I should mention, since I am in your blog roll,, (thank you thank you, lol) that I have changed blog thingy’s. I was having problems with mine, so I am starting a new one with blogspot, fingers crossed!
I saw the trilogy as a kid on TV and it was truly scary. The imagery of the fetish doll is as clear in my mind as if I saw it yesterday, but you are right about the other two. great post btw
those are all good
Ok, you’re too funny!
I would love to do my house up like yours, but as I live on a very busy road, there are no trick-or-treaters here; it’s unsafe. But I think that if I had a fundy church down the road, I would have to do at least as much as you’ve done. *G*