The state of the house tonight when I had to stop. Still to be added, cobwebs on all the bushes out front (I have to trim them back still), the cemetery as well as Jason. I have to make a new Jason scarecrow. I’m making it better than I did last year, so It should come out great. Rather than make it the ghetto way i did, I’m sewing all the clothes together before stuffing it. Instead of stuffing it with straw I’m using Styrofoam peanuts I’ve been collecting. They won’t weigh down when they get wet. I pretty much abandoned the idea of using the Christmas lights in the bushes, as they looked silly even under one test bush I put cobwebs on. I might buy two yard flood lights with black lights to light up the bushes, we’ll see.

Oh the inside got done up too, with an 16 some piece Halloween village based on “The Nightmare Before Christmas.” I also added some fun light up pumpkins and skulls from TarJay, as well as my wizard hat lava lamp (not pictured obviously).
How adorable. It looks so scary. Now come do my house.
I may have to stop by for trick-or-treat. 🙂
Both great ideas. I want you to decorate my house and I want to trick-or-treat at your awesome Halloween house. My husband says to tell you, “Your set-up is hella-cool”.
Your house looks awesome, Dustin! You are definitely getting me in the mood to decorate!!
The Halloween village is only 16 pieces? That doesn’t even come close to the size of your Nativity scene 🙂 I love how crazy you go with all of your holiday decorating. You put the rest of us to shame.