Last night was the Alanis concert. This was the 5th Alanis concert I’d been to, and ranks her up there with Madonna as the only other artist I have seen in concert so much. She’s also one that I will continue to keep seeing every time she tours. I was 7th row center, maybe 15 feet from her. It was awesome, as was the show. Easily her best concert since her first “Jagged Little Pill” tour years ago. If she’s coming to your town and you like Alanis, you have to see this show! Here are two photos I snapped with my phone, obviously not the best. The spot light made it impossible to get her face, and when she was moving around she came out blurry. Anyways, go see this show!

I’ve seen this concert twice (over here in The Netherlands, and in Hamburg, Germany), and I really loved it. Also, Jason, David, Vincent, Cedric and Victor make a nice band. I really think they all match nice together.
Did you catch her Acoustic JLP tour? I enjoyed that one a lot!
Yes, saw the JLP accoustic tour. This one was still better 🙂