Grrr, yesterday was a day of contemplation on many fronts for me. Mixed with good news, surprises and news I wasn’t exactly overjoyed to get.

First the bad news. The class I was to TA for this fall got cancelled due to under-enrollment. I had a bad feeling something was up, I hadn’t heard a peep about the class and it was to begin in 2 weeks. I’m not sure exactly how I feel. Part of me is a bit relieved, I have more time to work on the dissertation and get it done this fall. The other part of me knows having that paycheck coming in would have been nice too, especially in this economy! I also turned down teaching my own class, mainly for the reason I didn’t go there in the first place, too much work when I’m trying to finish the dissertation. I know I’d get distracted preparing lectures, and that’s the last thing I need right now. The other two teaching opportunities are still out there, giving thought to them still.

Thank heavens for my obsession with “Singstar” on PS3, which is about to get renewed. After what seems like 4 weeks of no updates, a huge one comes this Friday. We are talking Britney, Jesus Jones, Twisted Sister, Men At Work and more. Oh yes, bring on the songs, I will need to cut loose like “Footloose.”

Speaking of singing, “Mamma Mia” is about to get re-released on Labor Day weekend with full lyrics in a “Sing-A-Long” version. Oh yes, you know you want to get out there and enjoy some Abba all over again. I so plan on going.

Finally, Marget Cho is bringing her “Beautiful” tour to Philly finally. I saw this earlier in the summer with my mom. The BF jumped for joy when the commercial came on and said I had to get tickets. Well I did, 5th row even, but because of the date he doesn’t know if he can go because of work. Grrrrr! I have a few back-ups in mind who would probably take the extra ticket.

4 Replies to “The Sun Will Come Out, Tomorrow”

  1. If one can, one must be useful. But your studies come first so that you can finish it. You’ve been working on it for ever so… maybe this is a sign.


  2. I’m sorry to hear that you rclass got cancelled. That really does suck. But, YAY for new singstar songs! It feels like it has been forever since they’ve had something decent to download!

  3. Sorry about the TA job. Maybe the others will work out for now. The money and jobs will start especially when the PhD is complete. How is the dissertation coming along?

    But HUGE CONGRATULATIONS on co-authoring. That is an honor because it shows just how highly your professor thinks of you. Since he is well known and respected in his field, he doesn’t want just any one co-authoring with him. Remember every conference you go to is another chance of networking and throwing around a well respected name gives you so much more credibility. Could be a huge springboard for your career.

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