Okay I got the blog moved over, but not without a lot of kinks and issues. Oy do I have a headache from all of this!
For some reason the webcam in the side bar is taking longer to load up/connect than on the old server, which in turn messes up the shoutbox a bit until the webcam loads up the “offline” image. I can’t figure it out at the moment, I didn’t change any coding at all, so it’s not making any sense to me. Perhaps things need to cache or something for awhile and it will remedy itself.
For now, I am giving up and focusing on other stuff. It should be safe to leave comments, they shouldn’t get erased. I hope.
I hear you. I was so glad to finally get my site more or less back online (losing so much in the process! Grr) that I’ve just had to let things be for now. I’ll go back and figure things out, make necessary changes, when I get around to it.
At least the hard part’s done, right?