I am sending this from the phone to finally test posting a blog post with a photo. We got the new mailbox up tonight. I don’t care much for the color or bland style, I wanted something with more pazzaz. However I also needed something pronto as we got a note Saturday basically telling us to fix our old one ASAP. So we did, but we moved it about 10 feet so it is now in front of our house and away from the neighbor’s. I am just wondering if we’ll get a note telling us we can’t move it without official permission.

photo photo

8 Replies to “Like My Box?”

  1. Well, it may not have pazazz, but the BF did a good job with it. Hopefully, he won’t have to move it in a couple of days.

  2. well that’s what spell check turned it into!

    It can have a lot of pizzaz, clearly you never shopped for a mailbox 🙂

  3. Did you want one of those that is in the shape of a shark, and the opening is the shark’s mouth? 🙂

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