I finally went to get myself a haircut last night. I’ll post a photo later at the bottom of this post once I get a good photo. I’ll probably use my webcam to do it in a bit; but right now I’m catching up on shows and about to record one on the laptop. The webcam makes my laptops sound “tinny” so I’m waiting till everything is done.
I was asked how I got the blond. I said I did it myself. I didn’t get a lecture, just asked if I used bleach or a box, and if it burned my skin. I lied and said it didn’t burn. I didn’t lie persay I just said no, but then remembered it actually did, but only on the places I splattered the dye to. I am terrible, I always get the dye all over my ears and forehead.
Now however I really have some multi-tonal hair going on. The top is blond with my roots showing and the back and sides are my 50/50 brown and grey. Rather than having the highlighted look I hoped for, it’s more like the frosted look of the 80s. The nice woman who cut my hair said she really loved how it looked, she likes the whole growing out look with blond jobs. However she also had hair close to heaven (ie the Jersey look from the 80s). The BF said it looked fine too, but I don’t know. I’m giving it a week to decide what to do with it. You can judge for yourselves later today when the pic goes live.
In some exciting news, I’m inquiring about an adjunct job at a local university. All I have to go on is a posting on my school listserv that they need someone to teach one class that’s taught annually. It’s not a full time position and probably has no hope of one, but it’s a start. I unfortunately don’t know what qualifications they are looking for or when the class is to be taught. But it can’t help to throw my name in, maybe they’ll think of me for something else in the future. The class, by the way, is in the anthropology of religion and magic.
*Photo Update*

Look I tried to smile hehe!
Send a tweet when you post the photo. 🙂
Actually it looks good right now. The other colors give your hair dimension. And the goatee works with it. When you first did it, it was that “just been did” look.
I think you should keep this for awhile
I think I like it! And Loving the smiles:) The class that you are trying for sounds like a class that I would love to take. I wish you luck!!
I agree with Becky on both counts. The hair looks fine and the class sounds really interesting. I wish you good luck with it as well 🙂
Have you learned your lesson yet? Are you going to stop dying your hair radical colors?
Um, NO
The hair looks great, and I love the sound of that class! I hope you get the job, but if not, as you say, it’s good to put yourself out there and let them know you’re available.
Love the new cut and the color. The smile is a nice addition.
The job sounds interesting—it’s a start. Interesting topic for a class.
I vote–keep the hair!
The class sounds like a good fit for you and I’m in the minority of the opinion that you should redye your hair.
I like the hair!! Good luck with the job – you would be great at it!