So I have been wanting to post this for a few days now, but didn’t know how to honestly. I found this over at Keep It Simple and just about died of laughter when I saw it.
Of course the problem is it’s not the most polite thing to post, and I know a lot of women read this blog and could potentially be insulted by this. Well since Aravis referred her readers to a site which in fact used the word “Coochy,” I felt I could get away with this. I do though have to state that for some reason out of all the words on the page I was for some reason drawn to “Coochy” immediately. It was like a magnet that attracted and repulsed me at the same time.
I will, for the faint of heart, post this under the fold. If you wish to see what made me laugh so much, read on. Fair warning, it discusses the female anatomy. There is absolutely nothing dirty in the image, nothing X-rated, and even no profanity.

I’m sorry, that’s just hilarious and true!
Yes, you warned me…but I just spit out my water all over Taylor!! That is too frickin hiliarious!! Have you ever actually seen the shows they’ve done on TLC? To say that they are an intersting family is putting it mildly…
I haven’t, but that family pisses me off to no end. I never heard of them until recently when they had, I think, their 18th kid! I know they’ve done several of those TLC specials, and I wish TLC would just quit it. They constantly say how their children are gifts from God and will keep having kids as long as they can. Yeah sure, when TLC keeps giving you specials and Johnson and Johnson and what not is giving you free crap and setting up scholarships for all your kids . . . of course you’ll keep producing!
I watched about half of one show and that was enough for me. When I saw their huge house and all the top-of-the-line appliances…whatever. Well, you pretty much said what I was going to say, only you were much more polite:)
He paid for that big house from our tax dollars. He was a senator for one term, and he has a pension paid for by US!! Haha that picture is great though
Love it!
And glad my post gave you the courage to post this one. Sorry about “Coochy.”
LMAO!! OMG that was hilarious!! I’m right there with Becky.. I was forewarned, but I think my coffee may have tried to come out of my nose!! LOLOL
Thank you so much for saying “under the fold” and not the very evil “after the jump”
Ok, Please everyone don’t hate me for this….I think they are amazing people. Baby #18 is due in Jan. 2009. Yes I think it’s kind of weird to have that many kids but…
1. They are not nor have they ever been on welfare.
2. They seem to really love their children.
3. They are clean, the kids and home.
4. The Dad and sons built most of the new house themselves.
5. The kids are taught right from wrong.
I say, who am I or anyone to tell someone how many children to have. I say if you take care of them and don’t lay back on welfare, go for it. The Duggars seem to be a really loving family to me. The picture is funny!
The thing is, if they did not have the sponsorship they had, they would be on welfare or just plain couldn’t afford those kids unless of course they came from money and lots of it. That or he has some job that pulls in a few million a year.
That’s my main issue with what they are doing. They get free buses, free baby stuff, free free free cause they appear on all those TLC specials and shows like good morning America. If they did not get so much donated to them, how would they support the kids? I also have to wonder how much they actually enjoy the attention at this point and if that is leading them to just keep having kids :-\
Also I have a friend who watched all their shows, and said the older kids basically are full time babysitters/surrogate parents for the younger kids, and they have to “make appointments” to see their own mother. I don’t know, it just seems to me at some point when you have more kids than anyone can handle on their own, neglect comes into play and that is a form of abuse to me. I’m not talking about babysitters and daycare mind you; I’m talking about you physically don’t have enough hands and hours in the day to do everything on your own because you had too many kids. I mean teen pregnancy is a problem in this country and we constantly say how teens aren’t ready to be parents. Yet it seems to me that’s kinda what is happening here, cause they won’t stop having babies and use the older kids to help them.
Then again, I’m 100% possitive I’m not the “kind” of person the Duggars would approve of, so I’m sure they could care less my opinuon. Oh well, statistically their chances of ending up with one are pretty high lol.
I haven’t thought about or used the word Choocy in years. After seeing this, I will say it in a sentence at least twice a day. Funniest word ever.