So I did not go running on Saturday like I said I would. I woke up, walked outside and said “Ew.” It was so muggy and the air was so thick that you could see the haze. I was not about to run in that crud.
I did run tonight, but I didn’t last long at all. I soon remembered and was reminded of why I hated running the mile back in high school. I guess if I run a bit each day, or every other day, I’ll get better. But I don’t want to get shin splints either. Once all my cuts heal I’ll be able to get back to the gym.
I tried to find some new earrings in Philly when I was there Friday, but none of the stores had what I wanted. If they did they had one of the color I wanted at insane prices. I just went online and ordered a bunch of earrings from a reputable site. I ordered 3 teal for one ear and 2 green for the other. I still want 2 more piercings, and almost considered getting them done on Friday. It was so hot though and I was meeting Jen, I didn’t want to risk a migraine from sharp needles going into my ears.
Finally I introduced the BF, quickly, to Singstar tonight. He came in while I was perusing the videos online. He asked what the game was, I told him, then I showed him videos from the star of the online Singstar Scene, one Divalicious. He found it amusing. I didn’t show him the actual game part, cause he’d want to play and the Tony Awards are about to come on. Xanadu baby!
Cool earrings! Too funny about wanting to watch Xanadu! I will admit, SingStar is extremely addicting!
It is, you need to get the cam and make some videos 🙂
believe it or not, the haze & smell (at least it smelled here in south NJ) on Saturday were from the smoke from wildfires in Virginia & North Carolina.
I like running, but am about as good at it as you’ve just described. I’ll keep plugging away when I can, too.
Like those earrings. :0)