Yesterday I got the BRILLIANT idea to go rollerblading for exercise. I hadn’t used my blades in probably two years, but that wasn’t the issue. The issue was in those two years the county had not maintained the sidewalks along our road at all. So basically they had gone to crap, which I soon began to realize was not good for me. I had terrible visions of me stumbling, falling face forward and breaking all the teeth in my mouth.

Well the breaking teeth part didn’t happen. Before I knew it, I was coming down a slope and facing silt and sand which had piled up on the sidewalk. I tried to stop in time, but to no avail. I hit it, then I tumbled . . . . almost into oncoming traffic! I now have skinned up shins and messed up palms. Needless to say I will never again rollerblade around here again!

Of course this accident comes right at the time I had just healed up from other injuries that had kept me out of the gym for nearly two weeks. I’m probably out for another two weeks now. I’m one of those people who refuses to go to the gym with open wounds on my hands cause of the dirty germy equipment. I have for awhile considered trying to jog, which now I might have to do with now gym and only having the Wii Fit for exercise. It’s good for some things, not so much for aerobics though (except for the hula hoop, that is a workout actually).

5 Replies to “Wipeout”

  1. It is beacuse of what happened to you that I will never rollerblade…along with the fact that I have no balance whatsoever:) Hope you heal quickly.

  2. Ouch! That totally sux. When I lived in Philly, I used to rollerblade on Kelly Drive. My worst experience was a car pulling out in front of me, me plowing into it and then sliding UNDER it. Not a fun experience either.

    I stick to jogging and walking now. Far safer in my book.

  3. Sorry you got hurt. If you really want to hit the gym, why not wear surgical gloves to protect your wounds?

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