So our heat wave is continuing, and yes now they are officially saying it’s a heatwave because it has now been three consecutive days over the 90 degree mark, which is apparently the official requirements for a heatwave. Tomorrow we are supposed to get some rain, so hopefully it will break.
On Saturday I ended up watching the “Army Wives” marathon on TV while dissertating all day. The following image pretty much sums up what I spent at least half of the day doing, the first half was spent writing up this data into an appendix.
This was actually one of the smaller stat sets believe it or not. I have graphs like this with between 60 and 100 plot points. Eeegads! I hate the idea of putting this stuff out there before I’ve finished and defended the dissertation, but I don’t think anyone will figure out what this is or what it means. Simply put, it’s like the old “Sesame Street” skit “One Of These Things Is Not Like The Other,” though in this case it’s some of these things are not like the others, and that’s what is important for my work 🙂
Sunday I ended up taking it easy because I had a headache, and therefore I didn’t get much done I’m afraid. The ghost blog was on the list for that day and I did get the videos recorded, now they just need to be edited together. I recorded the first part Sunday night, and as usual rambled on longer than YouTube’s time limit allows. However because something funny happens in the video, I’m editing it into two parts. After I finished that, well then some stuff happened I wasn’t too thrilled about. So I made a third video explaining what went on and some changes to any upcoming ghost videoblog projects. I’ll get these edited as soon as I can and up. Thanks for your patience, I know people want to see them.
Today the dogs were going nuts at the backdoor and I finally looked outback, noticing some people were walking around in the fields I didn’t recognize, so that meant they shouldn’t really be there. It turned out they were from “EyeWitness News” and were here to do a story on the tomato recall. They interviewed my BF for the six’o’clock news. As it turns out, NBC came too, but he’s not going to be on until their 11’o’clock news. I teased him because he didn’t even put on nice clothes or fix his hair or anything.
I figured you’ve already seen me in motion, it’s only fair you see him! Here is the clip from our local news with him. You get to see the farm too, kinda. Where they are walking and talking to him is right behind our house.
Ha! That was so fun to see. *G*
Tell your BF, one old fat lady from Michigan has a crush!
Awwww! THAt’s your bf?? Nice! And I like his hair— very “organic farmer” of him!
What a cutie—you two make a very sharp looking couple! His “accent’ is adorable! I agree with boo1—but that goes for both of you! It was nice to see what you call the farm. When I’m in Moorestown we go to Cherry Hill frequently—didn’t realize there were farm land areas. Gee I thought it was all shopping malls and fun places to eat!
Ah disertation and graphs–brings back memories of my daughter’s math doctoral material—looked “Geek” to me! Keep plugging away on it. Jen is so glad hers is over and she is making “real” money not just a teaching fellow salary.
Looking forward to the ghosts!
I loved seeing the BF! Thanks for sharing that with us:)
How in the world did I miss this post?? That was so cool to see your BF 🙂 He is such a cutie… I am sure you already knew that though, LOL