So I finally did it, I edited together a bunch of videos and made my very first video blog! It’s nothing fancy, but I did manage to figure out how to get some transition effects in there and what not.
The topic at hand is my current obsession with two videogames: Singstar and Wii Fit. The video honestly isn’t that spectacular. The whole point of this was for me to learn how to edit my videos and string them together well enough. Hopefully I’ll get better as I do more, and the content will be a tad more interesting 😉
Anyway, enjoy the geekiness that is me!
great post. you are adorable. Thanks for dispelling the myth that all gay guys are good singers. Looking forward to more video.
LOL thanks . . . I think.
I was trying to match the pitch bars, not actually sing my best (which I admit isn’t that good anyways) 🙂 You can sing totally off key actually, but as long as you raise and lower your pitch enough you’ll match, and it oddly score better than if you were trying to sing well.
You are awesome:) My Wii Fit tells me that my weight has all gone to my thighs!! You’re right though, it is the voice of satan! Loved you singing Britney…I am totally breaking done and buying that game now!
Yay Beck! lol, that was my true agenda, to get everyone to buy the game. Seriously it is so much fun and no you don’t have to sing well to score in it 🙂
Great job—you are adorable—brought a smile to my face!! Many of us enjoy your geekness. Honestly a wonderful first attempt. Now I’m waiting for a tour of your space and a few minutes with your “children”! Will the ghost really join in or interfer? Very interesting!!
Thanks Dustin—WV Nan
Yes the ghost will come out often if you call him lol. I have this fun little application I intend to test to see if I can get him or any of the others to show up.
Dustin, it was so nice to sorta “meet you!” I dont’ have either a PS3 or a Wii, but if I did you totally convinced me to go out and by both games. Well the Wii fit isn’t really game is it? I am hoping to get a Wii for either my birthday or Christmas- keep your fingers crossed!
LOVED IT!!! It was great to finally match “you” with the blog “you!”
Both games look fun; I think I’d especially like the singing one. I’m interested in seeing the ghost in your next video 😉
Great job! It was nice to put a voice with your face at last:-)
I don’t have a PS anything or a Wii so can I come over to play??? It looks so fun!!!!!
Take care
I loved this! You’ve got me grinning from ear to ear. I don’t have Wii, and I don’t really want to go out and buy one. But the Singstar looks fun, and the fit is less boring than some other means of getting in shape. I knew about its cruelty. Another blogging friend bought this and, while he didn’t mind so much when it made fun of his weight, it really bothered him the way it treated his young son. Me? I think I’d just cuss the thing out and go about my workout.
BTW, your speaking voice is just the way I thought you’d sound; I like your voice. And you sing well, too!
Nice video blog!
Haha the Wii fit is funny….I’ve heard about it from someone else about it being ‘mean’.
Singstar is awesome….we play it every once and awhile…I win every time (well except for rappin)…but I must say that you sing Brit Brit very well!
Rebecca, I can’t do the rapping to save my life either and I have no clue HOW it’s scored. When I try and sing “Wannabe” all I get are “awfuls” over and over!
Yes, I’ve taken to calling mine Wii Bitch. Or Wii C*#t. That and the scale crying when I step on is really annoying.
It nearly makes me cry.
I did it! I bought Singstar today! I haven’t played it yet, but I can’t wait to check it out:)
The voice on Wii Fit reminds me of the short little lady from Poltergeist.I agree with you that it is mean. My husband was away for almost 2 weeks and wasn’t on it and it asked me where he was and if he was getting fatter.