So before I actually went on real vacations with the BF (which is debatable since I’ve basically taken work on every vacation with him), I used to go to Williamsburg, Virginia almost every summer during undergrad for my vacation. I went once when I first started grad school too. I would always take a day to do Busch Gardens, which was my favorite theme park at the time (I guess in a way it still is because it’s so pretty). Then I’d take a day to do Jamestown and Williamsburg.

It’s probably been 8 years since I’ve been to either. I’m not sure how much the area has changed, ie been developed. It used to be such a beautiful area and I used to always think I’d love to move down there and work some day.

I now have a friend living in the Virginia Beach area, so I’m planning to go down to Williamsburg the last week in June. We are going to meet up and do Busch Gardens one day, then Jamestown and Williamsburg the next. I’ll probably do a ghost walk in Williamsburg on my own later one night.

The following are photos from the last time I was down in the area . . . (I apologize for the quality, this was the pre-digital camera days)

1 Reply to “Summer Vacation All I Ever Wanted!”

  1. Randy and I were in Williamsburg a couple of years ago. It was beautiful and even Randy, who can take or leave history, enjoyed it enough to donate and sign up for newsletters from Colonial Williamsburg.

    Have a great time!

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