The only thing of interest to anyone that I did this weekend was to finally redo the“About Dustin” page. It’s mostly a face-lift really, a lot of the information is still the same. Blog readers probably won’t find much on the page they didn’t already know. I do hope to add some newer photos in eventually, as well as some more information and links to thinks like resumes and what not.
After I made the page, I realized I come off sounding like I’m some odd cross between a dungeons and dragons playing, delusional fantasy world immersed geek and some goth who is far to into horror movies, death and obsessed with the afterlife. I really am quite normal I swear!
I keep trying to think up some video blog ideas. I think I’m just gunna have to sit down and blabber one of these days 🙂 I actually might have some stuff to share soon, so maybe I’ll use that as inspiration.
Define “normal”
I think you’re pretty alright, but then, what do I know? ;0)