I’m back home in Jersey after my weekend trip home to Virginia. My mom and I went to see Margaret Cho on Friday and she…
Reclining Seats: It’s An Epidemic!
So recently I had made the small complaint, which for me is a big one, about people who recline their seats all the way back…
It’s Raining McCain !?!
This video was on the front page of YouTube last night, and probably still is today. I’m not sure what to think of it honestly.…
Hey! What’s Going On?
This is a multi-functional update post with no one topic 🙂 With a week to spare I finally got my taxes done. For once I’m…
Cooking With The GT Xpress!
So last night was supposed to be our infomercial movie night. However we got such a late start that we didn’t make all that much.…
Allergy Season Is Here!
Even though mother nature still can’t decide if she wants it to be rainy, cold or spring-like; one thing is for sure, it’s allergy season!…
Getting To Know You, Getting To Know All About You
Okay so since I’ve got a lot of incoming links to the blog because of the soap site stuff, I figured I’d use this post…
Some Quick Followups
Okay this is a quick followup post to some of my more recent posts. First, the GT Xpress arrived today. Woot! The first thing I…
Infomercial Movie Night!
On Saturday Emily and I hit the mall to go clothes shopping for . . . . . Las Vegas! We have a trip coming…