Guess what we did today 🙂 I have bunches of stuff to tell, and tomorrow is going to be the relaxing day where we take it easy and stuff, so I’ll try and fill everyone in on what’s been going on.
After today’s little venture I told the BF at some point I really want to take a week to do the Southwest. See the Grand Canyon, Old Faithful, The Anasazi ruins, Mesa Verde and so forth. He agreed it would be fun.
My father and siblings went there last year, and it seems absolutely amazing. It’s probably something you have to see to really appreciate, but I think your photos do a great job of capturing the scope of it.
My hubby and I did this trip last March. You should definitely go to the West Rim of the Canyon; do the SkyWalk! It’s much more peaceful and there are NO fences or restrictions there, so you can really get out on the edge…very cool!
Have fun! I love Vegas! I’m also jealous you are there!!
Hey Dustin,
We actually made the westcoast trip several times (including that dam, Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon, Las Vegas, Yosemite, Disneyland, and some more places. We’ve always enjoyed the trips to the west coast, as there’s so much to see.
Especially the view from Grand Canyon and Bryce Canyon is amazing. Very hard to capture on photo.
Have fun!
Old Faithful is in Yellowstone park in Wyoming. Be sure to see it and the other NORTHWEST landmarks sometime.
When you tour the SOUTHWEST be sure to consider going to Sedona in Arizona. It is one of the most beautiful places on earth.
Good job getting out of Vegas and seeing the sights. You deserve a fun vacation.
The REAL Mr.Carrot is ashamed of you for thinking Old Faithful is in the southwest!!!!
The pictures are great! I was at the Grand Canyon once when I was little. I don’t remember it:) Hope you are having a fabulous time and can’t wait to hear all about it when you get home!!
Thanks for sharing pictures — they’re great. I’m glad you’re having such a good time. You deserve a “real” vacation! Looking forward to hearing the stories and seeing more pics! Have fun!
I will admt I’m terrible at geography 🙂 Alot of what I know about tourist attractions I learned from TV. Hey it always seems like families like The Brady Bunch are going to see Old Faithful when they go to see the grand canyon 🙂
That’s ‘dam’ impressive.
I love the architecture of it– and the tubines are works of art!
dustin, the south west is nice, but old faithful isn’t in the southwest. its up here in beautiful Wyoming! Come visit here!