The past few days I’ve spent madly editing some chapters and I’m finally done. I’ll be sending them to my advisor and committee tomorrow. Because of everything they have going on though, I’m not expecting comments back for at least a few weeks. I’m expecting to have more chapters in to them before I get comments back.
One reason for the mad rush is . . . Vegas! Yes the Vegas trip with Emily is this week and were are leaving very shortly. So the next update will probably be from Sin City, and perhaps I might end up having a video update! Though I’m under strict orders not to film Emily under the influence of having fun. I guess there is no rule she can’t film me though 🙂
Have a great time—you deserve this break!
Have fun, hope you win big! Can’t wait to see the video.
PS, How was the BD party? Was the easy bake oven a hit?
The party was insanity 🙂 The easy bake oven was a hit, we’ve made lots of stuff in it so far.