Okay I’m getting a good number of referrals to the blog at this point, probably from people searching for some answers. This is a long story short. I chose to sell my soap site to former advertisers on the page, who were interested in taking it over from me. I chose to sell because I was over-worked and over-stressed, I need to finish grad school at this point and to be honest I needed to regain some sanity in my life. I had stayed on for a period of time to continue running the site, but that time has ended. The new owners will be taking over the page and the updates, which should begin happening any day now. I assume a formal explanation will also be posted on the site as to what is going on. The site is also going to get a sleek new design probably within a month or two. Sorry, I know this is a short and half-assed explanation. If you search through the blog you’ll find more in depth updates from me on the matter.


3 Replies to “For Those Joining Us Already In Progress . . . .”

  1. You are exactly right. 🙂 I came searching for your blog to see where you had disappeared to. I always wondered how you balanced your grad work with the Days website. Thanks for all the hard work you put into it. I have been checking it twice a day for I don’t know how long. Best of luck to you!

  2. hey dustin! this is luvnlu! i was just hoping you were ok when the site hadn’t been updated i was worried!!! congrats and good luck on your ventures!!!!!!!!!! we’ll miss you

  3. I was curious about your thoughts for last week.

    now, we know!

    well, Dustin, I enjoyed your site for years and years.

    i remembered u started the site on AOL.

    I don’t think i will continue going to soapoperafan site much longer.

    it won’t be the same without u.

    in the mean time, ENJOY YOUR ME TIME!

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